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Comment Re:Creationism = religion, not science. At all. (Score 1) 710

Yes, it's purely coincidental that the overwhelming majority of people who profess creationism happen to belong to a particular religion that posits separate creation of species by a supreme being, whereas scientists, who overwhelmingly accept evolution, belong to a wide range of religions (including no religion at all).

Comment Immunity is not absolute (Score 1) 699

Immunity is not absolute, it's relative. It reduces the probability that you will catch the disease, but not all the way to zero. Much of the benefit of vaccination comes from herd immunity. If the average number of people who catch the disease for an infected person is reduced to less than one, then the disease cannot spread through the population and instead dies out. Of course, herd immunity depends upon enough of the population being vaccinated.

So yes, if you don't get vaccinated, you are endangering people other than yourself.

Also, there are some people who cannot be vaccinated, due to immune disorders, for example. The same people are more like to be severely harmed or killed by infections, and their only protection is herd immunity.

Comment Re:It's unfortunate. (Score 1) 699

I don't see any evidence, just handwaving.

It sounds like you don't understand how herd immunity works. The idea of herd immunity is to reduce the average number of people infected by one infected person to less than 1. If that is achieved, then the disease cannot propagate even if introduced, and peters out. As a result, the chances of anybody coming into contact with the disease become tiny. Note that vaccine protection doesn't have to be perfect for herd immunity to work. The probability of breakthrough infection can rise with time after vaccination, but so long as it remains lower than for an unvaccinated person, it contributes to herd immunity. Moreover, even if a vaccinated person manages to catch the disease, which means that they tend to have a less severe infection of shorter duration, so the likelihood that they will pass on the disease if infected.

So a decline in serious complications of the disease with time is exactly what I expect, and it's exactly what the statistics show. It's been about 18 years since the vaccine was introduced in the US. So where is that spike in adult hospitalizations and deaths?

Now where is your evidence? Or is uninformed hand-waving all you've got?

Comment Re:It's unfortunate. (Score 1) 699

Hospitalization for varicella complications in adults has decreased steadily since vaccination was introduced, and is well below pre-vaccination levels. You were claiming that there is evidence that vaccination increases complications by merely postponing the disease. When I point out that the actual evidence shows reduced complications, you retreat claiming that the increased complications that you claimed to have evidence of haven't happened yet?


OK, your turn. Show me your evidence that vaccination for chicken pox had led to increased infections and complications in adults.

Comment Re:It's unfortunate. (Score 1) 699

The fact is that there is no increase in varicella hospitalizations in adults. Indeed, varicella complications in adults have decreased since vaccination began. So much for the claim that the vaccination is merely pushing off infections to later in life.

It is hardly surprising that the risk of "breakthrough" infection rises with time since vaccination. But how much does it rise? The fact that there has been a decrease in varicella complications at all ages tells us that the risk remains low compared to being unvaccinated.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 699

You don't even need a vaccine to stop from being burned to death in the kitchen. (or worse yet, burning one of those innocent children to death) Just don't cook in your home.

And you can avoid catching chicken pox by avoiding all contact with other people, which is about equally practical.

Fortunately, there is an effective vaccine for one of these problems.

You are wrong that there is no evidence to support the notion that vaccination pushes infection off to adulthood. The vaccine was introduced in 1995, and by 2000/2001 we were already seeing serious failures.

So if vaccination were just pushing infection off to adulthood, we should be seeing a big spike in deaths and hospitalization from chicken pox in adults. Except we aren't

Comment Re:Is there any downside to vaccines? (Score 0) 699

Many things that we are required to do entail some small degree of risk. You are required to participate in jury duty. But you could be run down by a car on the way to the courthouse. You are being forced to undertake risk "for the good of the herd." Does that mean that Stalin has been resurrected and we've all become Commies?

Get a grip.

Comment Re:It's unfortunate. (Score 1) 699

Herd immunity doesn't make sense, the vaccine works or doesn't work.

Duh. What part of "if you aren't exposed to the disease, you can't catch it" do you find hard to understand.

Why are there some people who cannot have the vaccination? Because it can kill them? So it is true vaccines can kill?

Duh again. There are people with damaged immune systems and a few other severe disorders who cannot tolerate vaccines. If you are one of these, you already know about it, because you have been experiencing a host of health problems--which hopefully some jerk won't exacerbate by brining you into contact with his kid who is unvaccinated for no good reason.

Comment Re:It's unfortunate. (Score 1) 699

OK, to be fair, I only know of one vaccine that poses a real threat, and that is only because it is misused. That would be the chicken pox vaccine. It should not be used on children. The data supplied by virtually every source shows this, even when the sources conclusion recommends the vaccine.

Utter nonsense. Chicken pox hospitalizations and deaths have drastically declined since introduction of the vaccine. And despite huge numbers of people receiving the vaccine, adverse reactions have remained extraordinarily rare.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 699

While I don't think that the mortality/morbidity rate is high enough for varicella to warrant worrying about a vaccine, (You are after all, more likely to die from a home cooked meal than chicken pox) it should be noted that the mortality rate of chicken pox is 10x higher in adults than it is in children. So, the herd immunity through universal vaccination that helps us with diseases like polio are likely dramatically increasing the risk of death from chicken pox.

Show me a vaccine against dying from a home cooked meal, and I'll take that too.
It sounds like you don't understand herd immunity. When there is herd immunity, the disease can't propagate, so if everybody is vaccinated, chances are that you'll never come into contact with the virus. But if you are worried about declining immunity, get a booster.
Notably, deaths from chicken pox have drastically declined since the vaccine was introduced. So the notion that it is simply postponing the disease to adulthood when it is more hazardous does not hold water.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 699

You are more likely to die by being burned to death from a home cooked meal than you are from chicken pox. If your goal is to protect children, your efforts would be better spent having kitchens banned from homes, as well as the cooking that happens in them.

What an idiotic comparison. If I could be protected from getting burned in the kitchen by a simple vaccine, I'd take that too.

We don't know whether getting vaccinated against chicken pox protects against children, because the varicella vaccine was introduced in 1995, so nobody vaccinated against chicken pox as a child has yet reached the age of high risk to shingles.

Prior to vaccination, there were thousands of hospitalizations and over a hundred deaths yearly from chicken pox. There is not a single documented death from the vaccination, and serious reactions are extraordinarily rare.

There is no actual evidence to support the notion that vaccination pushes infection off to adulthood, when it is more severe. In fact, the statistics show a precipitous fall in hospitalizations and deaths from chicken pox since the vaccine's introduction.

If you are concerned about vaccine protection wearing off, the solution is give everybody a booster, not to skip vaccination. Boosters probably aren't necessary so long as the great mass of the population is vaccinated at birth, since herd immunity makes it unlikely that adults will ever encounter the virus.

Comment crash frequency (Score 1) 192

App crashes used to be fairly frequent on the iPhone, while system crashes were much less frequent, but happened now and then. In recent years, system crashes have pretty much vanished, while app crashes have gotten a lot less common. I don't think I've seen a single system crash with iOS 7 on my 4s, which is unusual for a major OS revision. My new 5s does appear to crash a bit more. I see an app unexpectedly quit every day or two, and I've had 2 or 3 system crashes--more like the frequency of crashes I remember from the first year or two of the iPhone.

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