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Comment Their Advisory board members dirty laundry (Score 5, Informative) 139 Jules Polonetsky - Co chair of Future of Privacy Forum, which coincidently enough was funded by AT&T. No conflict of interest there. Chief Privacy Officer at DoubleClick, you know, the people who sell lots and lots of adverts on the internet? Seems strange that he would be interested in something that was designed to stop that? Jim Jorgensen - CEO of AllAdvantage, you probably won't remember the name but you probably remember them as the company that tried to pioneer 'Paid to Surf' by bombarding users with adverts. Again, why would he be interested in something designed to thwart that? Why are these people interested in a company that seems to have no others means of making money apart from charging $50 to take down a youtube video? This company stinks, I'll continue digging because I'm sure there's more

Comment Re:They are 'anonymising' the data then selling it (Score 1) 139

The problem was, this wasn't an update, it was a total rewrite. Therefore I feel you were wrong to let this be allowed to downloaded via updating TACO 2.0. This should have been treated as an entirely seperate Add-on and it was very deceptive for it to be included in the TACO 2.0 update. Maybe it's time to have rules that state if the Add-ons original function, codebase or license changes radically then it shouldn't be allowed to update via the Firefox update mechanism?

Comment Re:They are 'anonymising' the data then selling it (Score 3, Insightful) 139

Then why does it say that on the Abine site. I'm sorry, but you should be ashamed to let this past you. It went from 8K to 3MB, that is not a simple update and I fear this is breeding a lot of mistrust in the Firefox update mechanism. How are you going to regain users trust after this?

Comment Re:They are 'anonymising' the data then selling it (Score 2, Interesting) 139

It gets worse, check this page out:,1654.0.html Surely it's a massive conflict of interest for Eric Jung to be a board member of the Mozilla Add-ons governing board and to be actively working on an Add-on, especially one like this?

Comment They are 'anonymising' the data then selling it (Score 5, Interesting) 139

This way, they can sell the data on and still stick to their 'privacy policy': "Our Abine browser add-on uses hashes of unique identifiers that are not tied to you or your IP address, to help you track versions and updates for the add-on, and a different set of randomly generated identifiers to validate service requests such as creating or updating disposable email addresses. If you chose to provide more data in order to take advantage of additional services, such as webmail, add-on identifiers are never used in a way that ties it to your name or personal information to the best of our ability." Also, Eric Jung is on their 'Advisory board': If you don't know who he is, he is a board member of Mozilla Add-Ons governing board. This 'update' has made a mockery of the update mechanism in Firefox and severely undermines it in my view. Here's a link to the support board over at Abine, where I have been voicing my disapproval and I recommend you do the same:

Comment I'm currently having a discussion on their forums (Score 1) 3 They are taking offence to the fact that I say they have hijacked the good name of TACO. You see, hijacking is taking something illegally, they have acquired the TACO name legally so it's basically just a 'Bait and Switch'. Cnuts.

Submission + - Popular Firefox add-on TACO updated. Users cringe. 3

surveyork writes: Source:

El Reg reports about the recent update of the popular Firefox privacy add-on TACO, which was bought by privacy startup Abine and significantly increased in size in its new update (8 KB -> 3 MB). The new TACO comes with an iPhone store interface, an obnoxious privacy alert box (can be deactivated) and lots of additional privacy options besides blocking tracking cookies. Nevertheless, the users are not very happy and have voiced their discontent in the comment section:

Fortunately, TACO is open source and has already been forked with beef flavor: , so people who just want the trustworthy, simple functionality of the old TACO can switch to Beef TACO.

Comment Don't forget! Cards are quicker! (Score 1) 262

Another lie I've seen pushed by the credit card companies is that it's quicker to pay by card than cash. This is an out and out lie, the companies prefer card as it stops the cashiers having to handle cash. Fair enough, if you buy a tin of beans with a high demonination note, it may take a while, but it's still quicker than some of the card terminals I've had to use. Also I prefer the whole "Most of my money is kept secret by this number I don't use too often" over "All my money is protected by a number I use everyday".

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