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Comment Re:Great.. (Score 1) 208

Well it doesn't take an extra power adapter.. I really don't mind what it is but something that actually has a bit of power would be nice. Also I run my HTPC on Linux so I'm not sure those fancy audio features are working yet on the ATI drivers, and what about hardware decoding?? I currently have a 8400GS ticking away in my system quite nicely, not really much good for anything but decoding..

Comment Re:Ohh noes.... (Score 1) 122

I actually tend to use something like this rather than change ACLs:

set oShell= Wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

objFSO.CopyFile "u:\scripts\test.vbs", "C:\temp\test.vbs"

oShell.Run "runas /noprofile /user:domain\administrator ""%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /C wscript c:\temp\test.vbs"""

WScript.Sleep 100

oShell.Sendkeys "password~"

Wscript.Quit ()

Comment Re:Ohh noes.... (Score 4, Informative) 122

You'd be surprised how many people do it. In fact so many people do it where I work that I put a reghack in the logon script to make it so that all XLS files are opened with excel and not IE.


I didn't put it in place for this vulnerability though, just because a lot of people use macros and don't know how to save as.

Comment Re:Amazon pages will have to be blocked (Score 1) 200

It really makes me sick that we live in this country and we are not free to play and view what we want. It's the bloody attorney general of SA that is holding back the R18+ rating for games. I'd like to know if there is anything we can do about this apart from wait for the wanker to loose the next election. I don't see how it's not a majority vote..

Still the government can try all they like but they are not going to stop people from downloading "illegal" material, it's like trying to stop people from smoking, you can try but it isn't going to stop the most devoted, and those are the people that will just burn a disk and give it to all their mates...

These people just don't know how the internet works. There is always another way round. Idiots.

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