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Comment Re:Google Inflating User Amount (Score 1, Interesting) 171

Are you kidding? Youtube is a drain on money, and is unlikely to replace real entertainment anytime soon (although we can see where they are trying to head).

Google depends and dies on search. They gave Mozilla $300 million just to be not replaced by Bing, although they'd rather everyone use Chrome. And Mozilla just partnered with Twitter and FB on that stupid lame whine video about search results.

I'm not biased towards any one company, although I would like to see the evil that is FB be replaced.

Comment Minecraft influence (Score 4, Insightful) 112

He probably saw minecraft's influence.. as much as he helped totally change gaming by evolving Mario, Link from 2d ORIGINALS with *true* gameplay that has lasted the test of time (SMB1,2,3 & Link to the Past), and then moving Mario, Link into 3D very successfully.. he probably saw that one dev DOES has the power to affect gaming and gameplay (please, not talking about angry birds and crap like that).

Mr. Miyamoto, please make some cool original stuff like Minecraft did. Blaze the trail !

Comment Re:the cake is a lie (Score 1) 287

A newb, but I have toyed a tiny bit with Django and it seems that the Django model layer is also the ORM (if you want it to be). You could of course add in the ORM layer-wrapper-class yourself, but newb-basic Django seems to have the model layer BE the ORM (as opposed to Zend, which recommends you to make a ORM and then a seperate model class).

Comment Every release breaks all useful tools (Score 1) 383

Every release breaks some tools - don't even mention their own plugins and addons created by others.

For example, my Thinkpad Client Security password manager used to work well with Firefox 1/2 - for v3 I had to go to the trouble of patching some js files myself because Lenovo didn't support it fast enough. Now with this super-fast release cycle, I can't patch my software and don't even bother anymore.

It's frustrating. I would move to Chrome (being a loyal Firefox person I have not yet) - if not Chrome is more evil in other ways.

Give a bit more time and I will give up Firefox. Just plain fed up with their douchebaggery. It was us fans that installed it for our non-geek friends, and it will be us fans that uninstall them and recommend everyone something else.

Comment Re:how to start a new service? (Score 1) 1223

I agree, been saying it for a while too.

I've also been saying for a while, that the thing that propelled FB was the "exclusive-ness" factor. We joined when we were only 1/8 schools in the entire FB network; we felt exclusive. Back then, it was like a top-tier university club. Then it opened up to all universities; ok great, still all about exclusivity using .edu right?

Nope, then it opened up more.. and more.. then you didn't even need networks to join. Eventually, when grandmas, the random dude at Walmart, started joining, you knew it was only a matter of time until the geeks (their core base from which they leaned on and leveraged to grow exponentially), would leave for a better alternative. That alternative, is G+.

What makes G+ "buzz"-ing right now IS the exclusivity factor; with an invite-only system, the geeks flock over because all of our contacts work in Si Valley, and we get invites asap from the Googler's (in fact I've noticed my G+ friend suggestions highly mimic my Gmail invite-patchs). From then out it expands out.

What makes G+ (or any NEW network) exciting is exclusivity; Facebook had it with .edu (then lost it in order to grow big); Gmail had it with invites (then lost it once it grew big enough), and same with G+. What makes GMail stick (and possible G+ stick) is that they actually have GOOD FEATURES taht people want, do not continually disrespect their userbase (ala Facebook) with many interface changes, random privacy settings, wall-gardening, etc.

Exclusitivity with coolness factor (ala Geek crowd, .edu crowd, etc) is the key for rapid BUZZ and growth.

Comment Re:Just a thought... (Score 1) 160

I thought they made quite a bit through targeted ad's and selling data-mined demographics to large/small businesses ?

Of course, I read this on the internet (probably some TC such site, although I dropped TC after they went to Facebook's commenting system, how retarded of them).

Could just be FB propaganda thrown out there to increase their value and keep it all stable.

Comment Community workarounds ? (Score 0) 190

While we're on the Slashdot subject of the community (ie blackhats) getting back at Sony (ie corporations) screwing over their own customers for no good reason (aka Hotz), can someone tell me why the same community of OS / compiler / OSS people can't come together, fork Android, and really just say to Google "thank you but no thank you, you've done good but you can't do anymore."

Or to make it simpler, just make some nice OSS apps that destroy Google's lockdown on Android so that we who pay $70-90 a month for a 3G/4G cell plan (individual, not family plan) can rightfully use the service we pay through our teeth for ?

Not trollin', just sayin'. I got tired of being screwed over on price from Verizon, moving to Tmo, then Tmo might get acquired by AT&T, who is frankly quite undesirable to be a customer of.

Comment Re:How Scientists Raze Parents. (Score 1) 233

Yes he comes off as having tried to hard to write a smart-alecky feel-good egotistical comment that reads off like something Orson Scott Card would have wrote for Ender's first-person stream-of-concoiusness (yes I'm aware a stream of conciousness is not nicely written and grammatically correct but is instead a stream of run-on sentences with a much less organized structure), however, I do say his use of 'raze' was quite a nice pun given what he wrote (which I took as a funny short-story Ender type story more than an egotistical ramble).

In short, cut him some slack. He tried hard to be cool, nerdy, and funny.

Comment Why was TCL originally chosen for HTML? (Score 1) 124

TCL is a great language written by Ousterhout at Berkeley, but if I recall correctly, its primary purpose was for hardware CAD applications with respect to electrical engineering.

It is a staple scripting language for most of the entire VLSI toolchain, but how the heck is TCL a good language for the web? Methinks it would be better to write integrated Ruby support (or, shudder, Perl..) ...

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