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Comment Hope they add some of the missing stuff (Score 1) 224

I see a lot of things missing there, like the "Complete Handbooks", and all the boxed sets. I know it's a challenge to scan in a boxed set with off of its maps and other stuff, but that would be something I'd like to see. I'm jonsing for some Spelljammers. It's such a shame 4e has to suck. I'd still be playing D&D if I didn't have to convert all this cool stuff to those inane 4e rules. Pathfinder is the way to go these days, IMO.

Massive Solar Tower Planned For Arizona 407

inkscapee writes "It's simple, clean, low-maintenance, and cost-effective: using hot air on a large scale to generate electricity. No, this not a plan to use Congress to generate power, though that would certainly be an endless supply — EnviroMission will use air rising up a tall tower to generate 200 megawatts of electricity. The concept is simple: a giant greenhouse at the base of the tower warms the air. The warmed air rises through the tower and turns turbines, which generate electricity. The taller the tower, the faster the air moves, which increases power output. This structure will be a monster at over 2600 feet tall. It works in all weather, and if there is a feasible water source, food could be grown in the greenhouse."

Comment The Most Important Skill (Score 1) 332

The author mentioned a few transferable skills but she left out the most important one: People Skills. With a BS or MS, if you are an asshole, you will have a hard time finding a job but you might eventually get one. On the other hand if you are a PhD who no transferable skills like she mentioned AND you are an asshole, you will really have trouble.

My PhD is in Biomedical Engineering and I went through similar stuff with funding and skill building as the author, so I don't think it's only limited to the Biologists. I think all types of PhD students have their own unique brand of suffering, with suffering itself being the common denominator.

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