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Comment Re:Going to throw stones? (Score 1) 132

I am not Korean by ethnicity, blood, or citizenship, nor do I feel any particular attachment to Korea. The name is an inside joke that you unfortunately are not privy to. I was genuinely interested in hearing an explanation of your position on this issue which is why I asked "why". I know I've insulted you in the past (and honestly you deserved it) but now I'm not trying to be combative or argumentative at all.

Comment Re:Hah (Score 1) 409

I hate to sound insensitive, but why are students who are intellectually incapable of normal learning even sent to school? I think the government should provide for his care, but why does that have to take the form of sending him to school? How does sending him to school benefit him or the other students at all?

By the way, I'm visiting Anchorage now from one of the hottest parts of the lower 48. I've never seen such a paradise on earth :)

Comment Re:Still playing catch-up to C#. (Score 1) 385

You're worried about hassle for the "average user" who runs Sudoku apps. These users are on Windows. For tthose who are on Mac, Macs have a good enough package installation system that it's not too big of a deal for packages to have prerequisites.

BBut anyway,why are you citing external factors to somehow prove that C# iis an inferior language? Its "goodness" is in no way diminished by the fact that few platforms have implementations written for them.

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