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Comment Kimble - the douchebag's douchebag. (Score 0) 242

Kimble, aka Kim Dotcom is a total asshat.

He is a narcissistic fantasist, and nothing would give me more pleasure than seeing him in prison.

I remember him from back in the Quake days, when he used to hang out in the IRC channel and talk about how awesome he was.

He sucked at Quake tho, and spent far more time on IRC boasting about his lifestyle, being a "security expert" and claiming he could basically hack anything. He was insufferable, and I'm sure he hasn't changed.

There was a particularly good photo of him standing in his office back in 1997, surrounded by computer monitors. An enterprising photoshopper wasted no time in replacing the contents of the monitors with swastikas. Kimble didn't care, he just liked attention. Sadly, it seems this image has been lost in the mists of time.

I'm all for copyright reform, but the Megaupload case is not the way to fight for it. Kimble needs to go. The guy is a total douche.

Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 416

In fact most modern console games don't even run at 720p internally.

Games on both 360 and PS3 are rendered at lower resolutions internally and upscaled to 720p/1080p/whatever for display.

Halo 3 was the first 360 game (that I know of) to render below 720p (just 1152x640 before upscaling).

Microsoft has since relaxed its requirements for developers, so they're free to render at even lower resolutions now.

CoD: Black Ops ran at 1040x600 on the 360 and just 960x544 on the PS3. MW3 then brought the consoles back into parity, with both rendering at 1040x600.

Also, 1080p isn't the "highest possible resolution". 4K displays are coming... maybe not on the next gen of consoles, but perhaps the one after that.

Comment Re:Inspiration to younger users - thing of the pas (Score 1) 212

Surely, once you'd figured out that the C64 had vastly superior sound and graphics capabilities (that, admittedly, weren't exposed through Commodore's shitty, ancient on-board BASIC) you were less disappointed?

I mean, consider the Spectrum's shitty single channel "beeper" vs. the magnificence of the SID chip.... or the Spectrum's solution to squeezing full colour screens into as small a memory area as possible, leading to the Spectrum's famous (and much-derided) attribute clash. Don't even get me started on the Spectrum's so-called keyboard.

The boy in the store steered you in the right direction. The C64 was a bit more expensive, but the hardware inside was well worth the extra money.

All of which isn't to say that the Spectrum sucked; it didn't. Considering the year, the price and the target market, it was a decent machine.. but the C64 was better, in almost every measurable way.

Comment Re:Commodore Vic-20 (Score 2) 263

The VIC chip (as opposed to the VIC-II in the C64) was far less flexible and capable. Also, the SID chip far exceeded the abilities of the sound synthesis capabilities of the VIC.

It's fair to say that both machines had a similar heritage, and similar design philosophy, but to say that the C64 is just a Vic-20 with a memory expansion isn't fair to the engineers and designers at Commodore. The VIC-II and the SID were a substantial leap forward, while maintaining the price-point that made the C64 so popular.

Comment C64 (Score 1) 263

The C64 was my 2nd computer (first was an Acorn Electron) and it's still my favourite computer of all time.

I still have a C128 with several disk drives, cartridges and other peripherals. I've even got a couple of flashable carts and an SD-card based reader with an ethernet port, so I guess I'd be classed as a Commodore enthusiast :P

Commodore were amazing. They should have remained on top, but a confluence of a factors drove them from the market.

I strongly recommend this book for anyone with fond memories of Commodore machines.

Comment Re:My own backups (Score 1) 403

FFS, moderators! Don't mod people up for parroting the same fucking line every time someone mentions RAID. Everyone knows that RAID isn't a backup solution, and the OP didn't say it was.

Throwing mod points at ACs just for mindlessly repeating the incredibly obvious is retarded.

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