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Comment Re:This will fail (Score 1) 276

google is not better. It's just synonymous with internet.

Have you TRIED Bing lately? I did, multiple times in the last few days (two more or less pristine Windows7 installs -- pristine only because they're virtually never used) and the results were staggering. I had expected Bing to return results of about the same quality as Google, expecting only to be slightly annoyed at the layout (like I am every time the layout of something I'm used to is changed, even if it's for the better in the long run).

My queries were technical, but not insanely odd or anything. Bing returned a bunch of links to Czech (I think) blogs and forums, which may of may not have contained a solution to my problem. No, I don't live in Eastern Europe. Yes, I had Bing return "all results". Clicking "only in English" weeded out the weird language results, but the top page of results was still completely useless. Switching to Google solved the problem.

This may be a result of "niche" searches, but I was very surprised that Bing basically didn't work.

Comment Frogger (Score 1) 607

My 3rd XBox 360 went bad a couple of months ago


As I see it, I'm not buying the hardware, I'm paying for a 3 year lease on the hardware


Oddly, the only reason I bought a 360 in the first place was because the DVD drive on my original XBox went bad


Before that, I only bought a new console when I wanted to upgrade to the latest technology.


These days, I only buy a new console to replace a broken one

And you're NOT seeing the insanity of your actions?

Boiling frog indeed...

Comment Master of Orion (Score 1) 271

I'm playing Master of Orion 2, Battle at Anteres, with Dosbox, right now. For some reason, the DOS version works much better under Dosbox than the Windows version does under WINE.

There's a slight sound stutter at times and a slight effects lag, but everything else is perfect. Still one of the best turn-based strategy games.

Comment Re:Official release will be around 2pm PDT today (Score 1) 273

any idea when Firefox will implement the multiple process stuff found in Chrome?

I'm probably in the minority, but I actually prefer MOST of my apps to be single-threaded (or at least sticking to one core). I can only imagine what it would feel like to have Firefox (Javascript or plugins, typically) completely max out ALL my cores the way they are one now.

Comment What's wrong with Halogen Bulbs? (Score 2, Interesting) 182

Halogen light bulbs use tungsten filaments, JUST LIKE ORDINARY BULBS.

Two main differences:

- The filament is run at a much higher temperature, resulting in higher efficiency (around 20%).

- The gas inside the quartz "bulb" (the inner bulb, if you're buying a large bulb as a replacement) is a halogen gas (thus the name). These molecules combine with tungsten evaporated from the filament and effectively redeposits the tungsten on the filament. This results in longer lifetime.

End result: Longer lasting bulb, higher efficiency, roughly same environmental impact as normal bulb during production and disposal, still incandescent light (so no gaps in the output spectrum).

The one downside to halogen bulbs is that they get a lot hotter. Why? They have lower heat output, right? Yes, they do, but the AREA is a lot smaller due to the close proximity of the quartz. An outer bulb, such as typically present in a large-format "normal bulb replacement" (E26 base in the US), reduces this problem to about the same as for an ordinary bulb.

Comment Re:News in english about the trial: (Score 4, Informative) 664

Double Jeopardy works differently in different countries. Originally part of "common law", double jeopardy laws vary throughout Europe, but generally look more like the Canadian version than the US version. In short: Appeals to a higher court are not considered a NEW trial, but rather a continuation of the old trial.

In Europe, the European Convention on Human Rights provides a measure of protection, specifically Protocol 7, article 4:

Article 4 - Right not to be tried or punished twice

      1. No one shall be liable to be tried or punished again in criminal proceedings under the jurisdiction of the same State for an offence for which he has already been finally acquitted or convicted in accordance with the law and penal procedure of that State.
      2. The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not prevent the reopening of the case in accordance with the law and penal procedure of the State concerned, if there is evidence of new or newly discovered facts, or if there has been a fundamental defect in the previous proceedings, which could affect the outcome of the case.
      3. No derogation from this Article shall be made under Article 15 of the Convention.

As the article implicitly states, unless you have been FINALLY convicted, you can be tried again.

Comment Note from a VIM user... (Score 3, Informative) 106

come on now, it's a great editor for deleting things from files!

Go to the character of interest, hit x. Go to the line of interest and hit dd.

Of course, if you want to do more than delete, you are better off with notepad.

I was very tempted to use my mod points to mod this TROLL, but I try staying far away from anything that even smells like "modding down stuff you disagree with", so I'll Feed the Troll, instead...

How do I search-replace SMARTLY (i.e. with regexp) in Notepad?

Does notepad support syntax highlighting?

Does notepad support "jumping" to the last position when reopening a file?

Does notepad support auto-indentation? Language-dependent auto-indentation?

Does notepad support multiple buffers? (cut-n-paste)

Does notepad support variable tabstops? Using spaces as tabs?

Does notepad support collapsing/folding sections into a single line?

These features are just a tiny fraction of what I use in VIM *every single day*. Notepad does none of these. I used to use emacs, because the insert, command and visual modes confused me. It really didn't take long to get used to, however, and I generally prefer VIM now (although I'm perfectly happy using emacs instead).

I feel I should now come up with a car analogy, comparing VIM and Notepad, but the only word that comes to mind is Yugo. And that would be Notepad, in case you were wondering.

Comment Re:But is it really worth it? (Score 1) 591

That's impressive, sure, but doesn't give me a clue as to whether he's on track to a 10-year pay back.

Checking out his first article on the solar setup, he apparently spent $36K up front for the whole thing.

His pre-solar electricity bill was listed as $4400. His 6-month post-solar usage was $389. July - December should be a reasonable estimate of January - June power consumption, but let's just say $800 for the full year.

That's a savings of $3600 or pretty much exactly 10 years to pay the up-front costs back (ignoring all the other stuff: capital costs (interest), effect on home value, inflation, year-to-year fluctuations in price pr kWh and actual need etc).

So, depending on how it all adds up - and assuming maintenance costs are relatively low - he could end up in the green after maybe 8-12 years.

Comment smooth scrolling (Score 1) 607

I've yet to see a browser pull off a decent smooth scrolling feature. I want to use it, but it just doesn't work very well... in that it just winds up making scrolling slower. But, I guess it's like all the kids that want fancy menu animations, whereas I just want the damn menu to open NOW. No, don't "slide" or "fade" open. Just OPEN. NOW!

Operating Systems

Submission + - Torvalds On Linux In 2008

An anonymous reader writes: Linux Torvalds has engaged in a middling-length email interview with InformationWeek's Charlie Babcock, in which he outlines his objectives for 2008, takes a jab at Microsoft and also says he's not much worried about patent litigation. On next year's plans: "The situation in graphics and wireless networking devices — both of which have been somewhat weak spots — is changing, and I suspect that will be a large part of what continues to happen during 2008 too." On Microsoft: "I simply don't use Microsoft products, not because I hate them, but because they aren't interesting to me." On legal: "I really don't think there is anything real behind that whole intellectual property FUD machine." Torvalds is also very interested in SSDs (solid-state drives), and says they're a game-changer when it comes to reducing latency.

Submission + - WGA - hide in plain sight

RickJ writes: At it again. Microsoft wants to update their WGA again, this time they don't hide it, just market it like something a user would want:
Software Upgrade for Some Windows Components Required
To use Microsoft Update, you must first install the latest version of some Windows components. This will allow your computer to work with these new features on the site:

More updates: Get updates for Windows and for popular Microsoft programs such as Microsoft Office in one place.
Faster updates: The latest Windows Installer (MSI) improves the way updates are installed, delivering updates in the smallest possible packages in the shortest amount of time.
Easier navigation: Now you can find updates by priority or by product while helpful links and important messages help ensure you are installing all high-priority updates for your computer.

Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool (KB892130)
1.1 MB , less than 1 minute
The Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool enables you to verify that your copy of Microsoft Windows is genuine. The tool validates your Windows installation by checking Windows Product Identification and Product Activation status.

Total: 1.1 MB , less than 1 minute
Download and Install Now

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When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. - Edmund Burke
