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Comment Re:what? (Score 1) 156

I'm OK with that if it means I'll never look like a lunatic yelling at my phone in public again.

RESIDENTIAL!!! I live in a fucking house!!!

Comment Re:what? (Score 1) 156

Yeah, it is a great service. It's one of the only automated attendant experiences that I preferred over a human operator. Every time I suffer through a clunky, annoying IVR when I call my bank or cable company, I wonder why they can't do it as well as Google's free service. Maybe the answer is, Google blew a lot of money on it and couldn't (or didn't want to) sustain it any longer.

Comment Re:And yet... (Score 1) 190

I'd say Mario is an example of an iconic character that is used to showcase new styles of game play. Arcade platformer, co-op play, 2D scroller, puzzles, 3D console, racing, etc. Most "franchises" regurgitate the same game, adding little more than gimmicks for a new platform.

Comment Benefits of higher quality images (Score 1) 37

Like many of us, I've had a parent undergo heart surgery. I don't recall concerns about cath's electricity, but I know today's technology fails to detect atherosclerosis (artery thickening) until very late stages. If this can deliver "high quality, 3D-images from inside arteries and blood vessels" it could prevent heart attacks and open heart surgery. Don't get me wrong, coronary catheterization has helped this generation survive heart disease and enjoy a better quality of life. But "stress tests" and family history are the only tools doctor's have today to help diagnosis this type of heart disease. I hope this leads to better tools.

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