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Submission + - Murdoch to explore blocking Google searches 1

An anonymous reader writes: Rupert Murdoch elaborated on the direction he would take in an effort to monetize content his websites deliver by attempting to block much of Google's ability to scan and index his news sites.

Also from the article:

Murdoch believes that search engines cannot legally use headlines and paragraphs of news stories as search results.

"There's a doctrine called 'fair use', which we believe to be challenged in the courts and would bar it altogether," Mr Murdoch told the TV channel. "But we'll take that slowly."


Submission + - Physicist Makes New High-Res Panorama of Milky Way (uchicago.edu)

dnix writes: Piecing together 3000 individual photographs, a physicist has made a new high-resolution panoramic image of the full night sky, with the Milky Way galaxy as its centerpiece. Axel Mellinger, a professor at Central Michigan University, describes the process of making the panorama in the forthcoming issue of Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. An interactive version of the picture can viewed on Mellinger’s website: http://home.arcor.de/axel.mellinger/. This interactive version is served by IIPImage, http://iipimage.sf.net/

Submission + - Knight Rider's car home made copy (kittsupercar.com)

dnix writes: An Italian engineer from Pisa just finished to realize a dream: create an exact replica of K.I.T.T. . you can find more information on his website, unfortunately only in Italian, but the photos and videos are amazing. There is also a detailed HOWTO if you want to reproduce the same model.
Role Playing (Games)

Submission + - Unusual physics engine game ported to Linux (blogspot.com)

christian.einfeldt writes: "Halloween has come early for Linux-loving gamers in the form of the scary Penumbra game trilogy, which has just recently been ported natively to GNU-Linux by the manufacturer, Frictional Games. The Penumbra games, named Overture, Black Plague, and Requiem, respectively, are first person survival horror and physics puzzle games which challenge the player to survive in a mine in Greenland which has been taken over by a monstrous infection/demon/cthulhu-esque thing. The graphics, sounds, and plot are all admirable in a scary sort of way. The protagonist is an ordinary human with no particular powers at all, who fumbles around in the dark mine fighting zombified dogs or fleeing from infected humans. But the game is remarkable for its physics engine — rather than just bump and acquire, the player must use the mouse to physically turn knobs and open doors; and the player can grab and throw pretty much anything in the environment. The physics engine drives objects to fly and fall exactly as one would expect. The porting of a game with such a deft physics engine natively to Linux might be one of the most noteworthy events for GNU-Linux gamers since the 'World of Goo' Linux port."

Comment not only papyrus (Score 2, Interesting) 132

Computation power, advanced in physics and chemistry and IT improvements not only are helping in digitize literary treasures but also helps curators, historians and normal people to better understand, study, interpret works of art in general. Multispectral applied to paintings reveal hided drawings, xray on pottery or statues give us the exact position of internal pieces and 3D is occupying a role more and more important in documentation and as communication tool.
Social Networks

Submission + - omegle, talk to a stranger (omegle.com)

dnix writes: "The anti social network http://omegle.com/ is a chat done for people that they simply want to chat. If you are old enough to remember the dog chatting and saying: "they don't know I'm a dog" you will find the concept interesting. The website permit you to connect with other people in a complete anonymous way and start chatting, like in the gold old times. Have a try, it is funny :) The only limitation is that you can only chat with one person at time at the moment but maybe I simply haven't found the right button."
The Military

Submission + - The third nuclear bomb - The veteran's accusation (rainews24.it)

dnix writes: "The Italian RAI report in an investigative report that an American veteran who participated in "Desert Storm" accuses the Us Administration of having used a small nuclear penetration bomb with an energy of 5 kilotons between the Iraqi town of Basra and the border with Iran. To verify these accusation the RAI journalists searched for seismological activity in the area corresponding to 5 kilotons. More in the article."

Submission + - handhelds and linux

dnix writes: "The Linux development for handhelds devices is going along, but in the wrong direction! It looks like instead of focusing on development, which is very hard due to the heterogeneity of devices, developers are fighting about trademarks and forks. You can read the whole history from Handhelds.org and the Fl0rian blog."

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