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Comment Re:And allow them to collect demographic data... (Score 2, Insightful) 419

I think it's a bit more nefarious than that. Allow me to finish that thought for you:

Google can come back and say, "Well, we've actually got some data on that, and...it appears that without the add blocker, your ad will be seen by 275 billion more people a day. We can add your adds to our "safe list" to allow them to get through our add blocker, but it will raise your rates by 35% in order to cover the administrative costs of maintaining your position on that list".

At which point people will just start using 3rd party adblocking software again to block all ads, and the cycle continues. Either:

  1. Google will predict this cycle happening and thus won't bother trying such a stupid scheme, or
  2. Google will not predict this cycle happening, will try what you suggested, and we'll get 3rd party adblocking tools again to compensate for punch-the-monkey ads.

Either way, we've nothing to worry about.

Comment Re:Mafia Wars is FREE (Score 1) 251

I remember going camping for a week with three friends when we were 13 - packing our own stuff (food, etc), catching the train for four hours, walking an hour or so to the camp site, and staying there for a week. No cell phones and with no way to be contacted at all. I suspect the parents would be thrown in jail today...

Oh thank god, I was starting to think that I was the only one who did stuff like this as a child. So I'm not the only opponent of super-micro-management parenting...

Comment Re:Why complain about choice? (Score 2, Informative) 222

I have yet to see anything in any religion that says "Thou shalt kill everyone that doesn't believe the same things as you".

There may not be a commandment that reflects those ideals, but it's sure as hell implied very frequently in the Christian bible. Moses was commanded by God to, with his army of Levi priests, slaughter 3000 Israelites who had started worshiping a golden cow at the bottom of Mount Sinai. (Exodus 32). Sounds like God-directed ethnic cleansing to me.

Later, Moses takes his army and goes to war against the Midianites. After his soldiers report that they've killed every man in the city but spared the women and children, Moses commands them to go back and slaughter all the child and non-virgin women, but to keep the virgin women for themselves, effectively to use a fuck toys. (Numbers 31)

There's dozens of other examples of God's "righteous wrath" being used as the sole reasons to slaughter thousands of people and destroy any religious artifact that doesn't make God happy. (Hell, even when people are TRYING to make God happy but don't do it quite the right way, he tortures and/or kills them)

Comment Re:toposhaba (Score 1) 792

Don't we want to encourage more fuel-efficient road vehicles? Seems like upping the gas tax would be a good way to do that.

Yes, this would absolutely encourage more fuel-efficient vehicles, and that's a good thing.

The problem is that it's only a temporary band-aid on the road wear-n-tear situation. In 5 years we'll be back in the same boat discussing some sort of per-mileage tax, but now raising gas tax isn't an option anymore.

Like I said, I think this GPS idea is a poor one, because there are a number of very serious privacy considerations that (probably) don't have a good solution. However, the discussion needs to happen, because at some point the funding is going to run out unless we think up some sort of good idea.

Comment Re:toposhaba (Score 1) 792

If I'm driving a fuel-efficient vehicle, why should I pay the same amount as someone who's car had to burn 5 times as much gasoline to go the same distance?

Because if you went the same distance, then you drove on the same amount of road. The reason this tax is even being discussed is because the existing gas tax doesn't look like it's going to be able to continue funding our road repairs. As electric cars start getting several hundred miles per gallon of gasoline, the gas tax will not longer be able to cover the wear and tear done to the roads. While I don't think this GPS tracking idea is the correct solution, I can see why it has been proposed.

Comment Re:What an innovative price cut! (Score 1) 521

By that definition, every product that is ever announced but isn't immediately available for purchase (specifically at Walmart or Best Buy) is vaporware. In other words, virtually every tech gadget that has ever existed has been vaporware for at least a few days, and every product that is currently on the way is vaporware -- including all the Apple products in this article.


Comment Re:What an innovative price cut! (Score 1) 521

The Zii EGG, although it's not being marketed by Creative directly to consumers, is already available to purchase as a developer product. There are videos of people using it that ordered it from Creative.

The Zune HD is also available for pre-order, being released on the 15th. There are countless videos demonstrating its use.

Do you even know what vaporware is?

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