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Comment Re:Welcome to Linux (Score 1) 321


"MS" is not software like "GNU" is. So it doesn't work that way.

MS owns Windows. GNU does not own Linux. So it doesn't work that way either.

The relation that works is that Linux uses GNU therefore it gets GNU in it's name. (If you subscribe to the opinion that you should list accompanying software in its name.)

Comment Re:Arch Linux (Score 1) 92

Arch generally resolves problems by working directly with upstream projects themselves. So yes, sooner or latter bits of Arch end up in everyone's distribution. This is true of any good distribution. Good distributions work in upstreams to the greatest extent possible rather than hording large wads of patches to themselves. Being more recent and more vanilla than most distributions helps a lot to that end. You give up some stability (although surprisingly not as much as one would think) but bugs often get resolved more quickly.

Arch is just too much fun to be seriously stable or brainlessly automatic but, yeah, we're still in your upstream to some extent.

Comment Re:I hope there's an easy social integration disab (Score 0) 365

All those "social integration" features end up increasing the footprint of the browser, even if you don't use them.

Do you have some evidence of such? Because I haven't seen a damned bit of this ZMGBLOATZ! you speak of. Memory usage is down and performance is up when compared to both previous versions of Firefox AND current versions other browsers which lack such functionality.

Put up or shut up. Show me something concrete which demonstrates your terrible loss.

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