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Comment Re:Wii anyone? (Score 2, Informative) 169

FYI, the PSX and the DC aren't all that close. The Saturn was of the same generation as the PSX and was more complex/powerful, and the DC was the next generation. It may not be outside the realm, but it'll likely take a while.

The summary only said "dream console" because it sounds neat. I think a Wii is worth having for its unique qualities, but an Xbox does everything you mentioned and is much cheaper. I'm sure a few other systems have that many emulation abilities as well.

Comment Re:And yet- (Score 2, Interesting) 828

It's uncommon, but some kids in my area mysteriously move a few weeks or a month before 9th grade starts. The parents don't actually move; only their child "moves" in with a close family friend who lives in the less laughable school's area, then they take public transit or get rides to their new school.

It seems to work quite well.

Comment Re:Response from the researchers (Score 1) 167

A response as soon as this is a good indicator, but I have a feeling, even though the Ars article notes other interesting points, the seemingly bad numbers will be focused on since a torrent site brought that point. Mr. Watters, even though your response makes sense, only 0.3% of Internet readers will realize you're not ignoring obvious fallacies. It's funny how much the speed of the Internet detriments the time put into considering the facts that make up the context.

Comment Re:Starting to think of moving to the USA... (Score 1) 690

There most definitely are medical prescriptions here in Oregon. It's been recommended to me by patients and well known doctors. It most definitely can help, a lot, depending on the medical condition.

Personally, I have two options: pills that cost about $140 per month for 6-8 months and kinda help, but make me sleepy; or $45 once for the drugs that do help, and make me laugh at dumb things.
Oh darn.

Comment Re:43 (Celsius) (Score 1) 525

It's not happening any time soon. Remember yesterday's post about staying 65ft away from booms and safety operations in the gulf? That's what everybody thinks the distance is, but the Coast Guard said 20 meters.

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