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Misconfigured Open DNS Resolvers Key To Massive DDoS Attacks 179

msm1267 writes with an excerpt From Threat Post: "While the big traffic numbers and the spat between Spamhaus and illicit webhost Cyberbunker are grabbing big headlines, the underlying and percolating issue at play here has to do with the open DNS resolvers being used to DDoS the spam-fighters from Switzerland. Open resolvers do not authenticate a packet-sender's IP address before a DNS reply is sent back. Therefore, an attacker that is able to spoof a victim's IP address can have a DNS request bombard the victim with a 100-to-1 ratio of traffic coming back to them versus what was requested. DNS amplification attacks such as these have been used lately by hacktivists, extortionists and blacklisted webhosts to great success." Running an open DNS resolver isn't itself always a problem, but it looks like people are enabling neither source address verification nor rate limiting.

Submission + - Munich finds Linux migration cost less than HP's analysis claims (

Ja'Achan writes: Microsoft asked HP to analyse Munich's Linux migration, and HP found that the migration to Linux cost €60.6M, where if they had remained with Microsoft, it had only cost €17M. Now, Munich's City Council has objected against this analysis, which, among other assumed that Linux and Windows systems have "roughly the same hardware requirements". They found that the cost of migration was €23M, where if they had stayed with Microsoft, it would have cost them €34M.

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The flow chart is a most thoroughly oversold piece of program documentation. -- Frederick Brooks, "The Mythical Man Month"
