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Comment Re:My Kingdom for a Datagrid Element! (Score 1) 541

HTML 5, I await you with open arms, hope and understanding. Improve the table element (if possible) and create a solid datagrid element. Deliver me from Flash.

That all looks good on paper. My concern however is that any element that's sufficiently complex and insufficiently spec'ed will have subtle differences between render engines.

That, and a certain market dominant browser vendor's track record of arbitrarily interpreting w3c standards.

Comment Re:Is this flu really "special"? (Score 1) 695

I'm sorry, did I miss the change in tagline?

"Slashdot: News for racists. Life for whites who matter"?

Just when the fuck did this become acceptable as long as it's -1 troll?

Sorry, I've been away a while, it's a bit of a shock.

Ironically while OP has been buried by -1 Troll, people can still see the offending words you quoted in your +2 Informative reply.

Comment Re:Null is NOT just a value (Score 1) 612

The theory of type checking is that the sooner an error is caught, the less likely it is to cause damage. Thus if null does not exist, errors will occur as soon as the non-existent reference is used.

The result from a map.get("key") call often isn't dereferenced. Often the whole reason to make a get() call is to check the existence of a value. Some other times we simply want to put whatever we get into another collection type without actually using it.

In my mind, NULL to programming languages is like 0 to numbers. The conceptual breakthrough in the invention of 0 lies in that we realized we could use a symbol to denote the case of "nothing", and thus save ourselves a lot of trouble. For example, some early civilization used a space to represent "no value" in their _hand-written_ numbers. Imagine all the confusion that would have caused - "is that one space or two?"

Comment Re:20 second explanation (Score 1) 612

It seems that you have only sidestepped the question "what should hashmap.get("myvalue") return when it can't find anything?"

An error. Or more to the point, it wouldn't return at all. The software would fail. The idea being that the programmer should be forced to do an exists() check prior to performing a get(). He can't rely on checking a null return value. Theoretically, this prevents him from making mistakes in his code where the null slips through into a critical section.

So I call get(), get null back, forget to check null, and my program blows up. Or I forget to call exists(), call get(), and my program blows up. How is one scenario better than the other?

Comment Re:20 second explanation (Score 1) 612

Some pieces of programming would become slightly more difficult. For example, 'if(hashmap.get("myvalue") != null)' would not be a valid construct. You'd need to perform a check like this: 'if(hashmap.exists("myvalue")'

Of course, the latter is the "correct" check anyway, so the theory goes that the software will be more robust and reliable.

It seems that you have only sidestepped the question "what should hashmap.get("myvalue") return when it can't find anything?"

That needs to be answered before we can abolish NULL.

Comment Re:One way to get more registered voters (Score 1) 1088

Winner take-all-vote distribution is disgusting. If I live in a state that goes 49% for party X, and 51% for party Y, you can't even argue that giving 100% of our states votes to party Y makes the least bit of sense.

The winner-takes-all has to happen at _some_ level. Following your reasoning, it'd be as absurd to elect any one single person the President of US just because he/she leads the other candidate in the popular vote by 2%.

Comment Re:steroids+ed (Score 3, Funny) 1131

I used to use BBEdit, but with version 8 they removed features I needed. When I requested that they be put back I was told they were trying to make BBEdit "more like other text editors". AKA, the ones the BBEdit users chose NOT TO USE!

So the morale of the story is... never hardcode your (current) favorite editor in your ./ name?

Comment Re:He's Not Right (Score 1) 614

No, no it doesn't. There is absolutely nothing I have pirated that I would have bought if I had not pirated it. There are _many_ things that I have bought as a result of pirating it first. My pirating led to an increase in the amount I have purchased, not a decrease.

This argument is very simple to understand, yet I hear blanket statements like yours absolutely denying it is possible. I'm sorry, you're just wrong, at least in my case. There may be freeloaders out there that do just try and pirate instead of buying, but I am not one of them. I do exist.

That might make yourself feel better, but doesn't prove anything, especially not that GP was wrong. Just because you wouldn't have bought it anyway doesn't mean all other people who pirated wouldn't have bought whatever they pirated anyway.

Comment Re:He's Not Right (Score 1) 614

But if everyone could eat the best foods in the entire world anytime they wanted, aren't they all now richer than the wealthiest kings 1000 years ago?

Very true... up until the point where nobody bothers to develop any new "recipes" any more because they can only ever hope to sell the first item they make.

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