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Comment Re:Why would it need studies? (Score 1) 345

"Imagine if some of those 'self-driving cars' would use them."

If a self driving car was using the data from my Garmin GPS, then it would merrily drive me down single lane country roads (with high hedges on either side) at 60 mph instead of the nearby (though theoretically slower) main highway. That would be pretty much guaranteed to end up in disaster.

With OSM data (especially the tagging bit) it would be a lot easier for the self driving car to think twice before choosing those routes.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Why is software copyrightable in the

TobascoKid writes: I was looking at the Open Hardware wiki and I came across a page about how hardware is protected by patent and not copyright and quotes Section 17.102(b) of US Copyright law In no case does copyright protection for an original work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work. Seeing as software is patentable in the US, how is possible for it to be protected by copyright as well? Why doesn't if fail the above test?

Comment Re:Speculation (Score 1) 709

I'm less than convinced by there being an upper limit to the amount of bitcoins that will ever be created. Look at Spain before the New World was founded - they didn't have enough money because they lacked enough precious metals so they had a terrible economy compared to places that did have an adequate money supply (like the middle east). It's hard to see how the bitcoin economy wouldn't eventually dry up, especially as there no new world to get more bitcoins from.

Comment Re:I'm glad somebody else noticed this (Score 1) 66

1)" Interesting that /. is making such a big deal of recognizing 1st time contributors. It's an "interesting" editorial policy."

I've noticed that. I guess they're trying to make up for when it seemed like it was always the say people getting their stories posted. I hope it stops soon (not the more people getting their subs posted, but the hornblowing over it).

2) "what are the odds /my/ question will be answered"

Seeing whose running the course + what it's about, I would expect the probability of your question being answered is quite high - except that your question will be being answered by an AI.

"Does anyone here doubt Acacia is assessing its patient portfolio in light of this now becoming a startup?"


Comment Re:Obvious (Score 1) 636

"Calculators are wonderful but should not be assumed to give the correct answer."

No, you can assume that a calculator has given you a correct answer for whatever you have entered into it. However, you can't assumed that what you've entered into it is correct.

Comment Re:Pay repos? (Score 1) 1348

Do apt and yum repositories yet support authentication and authorization, such that only people who have bought a license on the publisher's web site can download and install the software?

Linspire's CNR appears to have solved that problem.


Or if you can't help them, they'll whine to the credit card company and ask for a chargeback.

Sybase were able to sell their software with a "use a supported distro or you're own your own" policy without much issue.

How many people ask for a chargeback when software the purchased to run with Wine doesn't work?

Comment Re:Oh come on. (Score 1) 1348

While I see your point, I don't think you can really draw comparisons.

I think you can - the 1990's was full of "Apple/Mac is dead" articles in magazines and on web sites. Until development comes to a halt you shouldn't count on something dying.

The funniest thing about those mac is dead articles was that they usually included some "helpful" advice to Apple about how to turn their fortunes around - advice which was usually the exact opposite of what Steve Jobs did to turn the company around.

Comment Re:Non-free software (Score 1) 1348

Package systems tend not to contain non-free software

There's nothing stopping non free developers releasing debs/rpms of their software - even better is when they have repositories that can be added to to the package manager (why people insist on believing that "going out to the intarwebs and downloading an installer" is a feature and not a bug is beyond me). As for what distro to support they can go the easy route and support the number 1 and maybe number 2 desktop distro (which means Ubuntu and maybe Fedora/RedHat). People who aren't using those distros can probably figure out for themselves how to get it running on their system.

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