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Comment Re:Protecting the arts and artists (Score 1) 442

Also - copyright terminates when the author(s) die. None of this life-plus-eleventy-thousand-years crap. When you kick, your works revert into the public domain ... we *all* benefit from that.

Except the author when something horrible happens to him/her because they are in possession of a multi-million dollar copyrighted work that others would like to exploit...

Comment Re:Are you nuts? Don't talk agile with the custome (Score 1) 597

The business representative should be handed a business requirements document, written by a decent business analyst, that clearly explains to them in words they understand exactly what the system will do.
It's wrong to expect someone to sign off on a document they don't understand, and whilst it may achieve the goal of deflecting accountability, it won't result in a good product.

Comment Re:Dumbing down (Score 1) 183

This is not dumbing down, this is finally applying basic usability theory. Designers should be aware of the fact that nobody reads dialog boxes for example, and take care with their design to not use them, and where they do, to keep it short and to the point.
Using black and white instead of colour icons? Yay, finally colour-blind people will find things easier to use.
Not everyone needs to access every function all the time. A good designer will anticipate what the common functions are and make it really easy to use them, and tuck the less commonly-used things out the way. Too many choices can be just as bad as not enough.
The /. bias is towards technical people who will mostly see it from the other side, but in reality the vast majority of users only use a computer as a tool to achieve simple goals; a good designer should make this easy for them.

Comment Re:Hmm (Score 1) 104

I can go one better than that. I don't even use the internet, except the occasional booking at the library, to ensure I don't use Facebook. One time at the library I did stumble upon Facebook by accident, so I crushed the computer with a steamroller, closed my library account, and moved to a different city.

Comment Re:easy (Score 1) 372

you get to see and hear lots of interesting things you'd miss sitting in a car or on a bus

I cycle to work and I concur. I get to see all kinds of things like car doors springing open in front of me, cars cutting in front of me without warning (though I rarely see an indicator flashing), and drivers that think there is ample room for a pushbike and an SUV in the same lane.

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