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Comment Re:No ads please (Score 2, Funny) 983

I'm just saying, don't claim variety if they can't even deliver a good system that fits a whole sub-market.

Absolutely! I call foul on the lack of furry friendly devices from Apple! Until they give me something that can work with my oversized unicorn gloves, I won't buy a thing from them!
No, really. /sarcasm. I just don't get... eh, ugh... never mind. This post wasn't worth the research I put into it.

Comment Re:I Guess That's About All That's Left (Score 1) 268

why they ever cast Portman for V For Vendetta, when there are probably twenty British actresses that could out-act her with their eyes closed is quite beyond me.

I'll give you that... I love Natalie Portman as an actress, but while I thoroughly enjoyed her in V for Vendetta it seemed odd that they put yet another American into a British actress role. Actors 'across the pond'--as the kids say--must be getting pretty fed up with that by now.

As for Hayden Christensen... I have a soft spot for him for some movie that I just can't remember the name of. He was emo and, technically, a male prostitute and I thought he nailed the role. Most of the others--including Jumper--were disappointing, though they all had various redeeming scenes.

Oh well...

/me sighs...

Comment Re:I Guess That's About All That's Left (Score 1) 268

What the fans want is the prequels rewritten and refilmed with good actors

The sad part is that almost all of those actors ARE good actors. Natalie Portman is *amazing* as is Ewan McGregor and even Hayden Christensen is pretty solid in every other role except Anakin Skywalker.

It's really sad, actually... it could have been so good...

Comment Re:Be careful about conflating things (Score 1) 624

For instance, Apple couldn't have turned "not vetted by mothership" into warnings rather than errors and let the user proceed anyways. Then the user can have all the benefits of someone else's auditing and their own freedom.

Just a quick observation. I think the biggest difference between Apple with the iPhone, Google with Android, etc. is that Apple provides free tech support to their customers via the Genius Bar. When it comes to iPhones, having a known "approved" setup that is easy to identify reduces troubleshooting overhead costs substantially.

Actually, looking at it like that, it seems like a very Enterprise-ish thing to do... just with a worldwide customer base. Huh.

Comment Re:speedbump (Score 1) 624

I still don't buy from iTunes because 1) they do tag them and 2) they do AAC and not mp3.

This is an inane argument.

First, you rail against the fact that iTunes tags the music you BUY with YOUR email. Why would you be upset with the fact that something you bought is labeled as your property? This does not infringe on your ability to spread out your media across your devices. It doesn't keep you from putting it anywhere. Hell, it doesn't even keep you from sharing it with your friends (though that is against the license agreement). All it does is provide some kind of accountability for your actions should you decide to buy the newest Beyonce CD and upload it to TPB.

Remember accountability? That thing your parents were supposed to have taught you before kindergarten?

And I don't even pretend to get your anti-AAC argument. Duradin summed it up much better than I can:

They probably think it means Apple Audio Codec and not Advanced Audio and that it is entirely a creation of Apple and not a standard part of MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 that even the Zune plays.

Comment Re:The Real Issue (Score 5, Insightful) 236

I know dozens of people who think that way. They're the people on the budgets.

I've seen it consistently at my mother-in-law's consignment shop and she confirms the behavior over the entire lifetime of the business (which has been in business for 14 years). Price it at $X.99 instead of $X+1 and you'll see almost twice as many sales. Similarly--though much more confusingly--people tend to buy stuff marked "Buy One, Get One 50% off," instead of "Buy One, Get One Free!"

I really don't get that one...

Comment Re:Multi-tasking (Score 2, Informative) 443

And no, I don't give much of a crap why it's not suitable for you or your grandma, it's a superbly geek-friendly phone that (unlike openmoko...) performs very very well.

Relax, I was just playing around.

Since you asked though, at the end of the day I really enjoy my iPhone. The touchscreen keyboard works well for me, the interface is intuitive, I have a free app that gives me SSH access and other apps that let me monitor my servers and various other things.

All that said, I don't know what I want in a phone until I want it and with my iPhone I can generally get it right then. It's pretty much the only platform where I let myself be a typical consumer. On an actual computer I would rather script or code my own solution--especially on my Mac--rather than use a shortcut app. But on my iPhone I just want to tap buttons...

So hopefully that helps clarify what *I* want in a phone. It isn't going to help with others much, but coming from a fellow geek, maybe it will offer some insight into the mindset.

Incidentally... I'd KILL for tethering sometime soon. This paying-for-hotspots-while-I-have-full-3G-signal shit is killing me...

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