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Comment Figured this was coming (Score 3, Interesting) 261

I'll be the first to admit I enjoy a bit of give and take with snarky comments on the Internet, but for a person in his position I though his condescending Twitter comments regarding people who dare to live in places such as Wisconsin or Virginia were a bit shocking in their arrogance. I can't say I'm surprised at all at Microsoft letting him go.

Comment Google Fiber locations (Score 1) 128

"Why not San Francisco or Austin or somewhere where all the tech is?"

The better question is why not a place like Kansas City where the front lines of the consumer broadband battle are being fought? Isn't the main point of all this to expose what a farce typical broadband service is like in the US? How do you do that convincingly in a place as saturated with tech?

Comment Re:Most brilliant part lost in noise over iPad (Score 1) 387

One way to think of all of these organizations is to realize that if they require a charismatic leader who will shoot people in the knees when needed, then the corporate organization and process is a failure. It means no group can come up with a good decision and make it stick just because it is a good idea

On the contrary, without a leader to challenge people by setting the bar high, organizations may run with ideas that should've been shot down, and even if the idea has some merit there might not be enough incentive to improve upon it.

Comment "Insecure OSes" (Score 2) 387

"Apple with the iPad and iPhone goes even further and does not allow children to download an Etoy made by another child somewhere in the world. This could not be farther from the original intentions of the entire ARPA-IPTO/PARC community in the ’60s and ’70s.

Apple’s reasons for this are mostly bogus, and to the extent that security is an issue, what is insecure are the OSes supplied by the vendors (and the insecurities are the result of their own bad practices — they are not necessary)."

How is it an OS issue if a user downloads an app and grants an it full access to an iPhone and the app takes a copy of the contact list and the entire archive of phone calls and messages and beams them to a host somewhere in Russia without any further user interaction?

If the answer is the user must act as the software warden, how is a child supposed to guarantee this Etoy won't do any harm to the machine he or she is using?

In short, if the wall garden isn't the app curator then who is? The OS? The app developer? The child?

Comment Re:I doubt it (Score 1) 393

Not entirely true. The 30 to 40 inch range size of TV screens are great for bedrooms, are cheap enough now to be purchased easily, and make games so much easier on the eyes to see things with than squinting at a mobile screen despite the mobile having better resolution.

Yes there are issues that need to be addressed, but there's no need to throw the entire console concept out of the window.

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