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Comment Seems expensive? (Score 4, Interesting) 188

Article mentions 250GBP for the unit which is about $ 400 US. That seems like a hefty tag for a Nintendo, which historically has been cheaper than MSFT and Sony. Game pad is another 160 $ for standalone play.

500$ buys me about 10 new video games or 15-20 sale games for my 360 or steam account, I probably won't be running out to pick this up.

Comment Re:Sour Grapes (Score 4, Insightful) 167

Exactly. Search brings in no money, however related goods, services and ads do. So you give out the free search and encourage the user to utilize a related service related to the search to bring in the money, simple and effective business plan.

Also it's not like bing, yahoo and msn search don't do the exact same thing. Bing pimps its services just like google does, hotmail on the front page and a host of other offerings once you actually search.

Just Horseshit legal wrangling try to slow Google down.

Comment Is this Sufficient? What else could you want? (Score 1) 255

Australia: "You are a security threat we need to see your code!"
Huawei: "Ok, here is our full source code"

Sensationalism Department: "There must be obscure back doors they might hide in their code!!!"

Just because the US Congress, which is still in the stone ages as far as understanding of technology, decries them as a threat using classified information doesn't mean it's true. It just means the US likes to cock block China as often as it possibly can, not withstanding the shady backroom deals that enticed this in the first place.

Comment Sure sounds like it (Score 4, Insightful) 371

"Any intentional false communication, either written or spoken, that harms a person's reputation; decreases the respect, regard, or confidence in which a person is held; or induces disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person." From:

It really is a slimy piece of shit move to compare someone to Sandusky because they were at Penn under the same umbrella. This definitely harms his reputation and if you believe it then certainly you will have disagreeable opinions and feelings towards him. He's a scientist who interpreted data in a controversial way that is argued among academics, he certainly didn't rape innocent children in the showers.

Comment Basics of Droid Security (Score 1) 295

1). Turn off things you do not use, NFC, Bluetooth and wifi
2). Take caution when jailbreaking your phone, this exposes additional security vectors which require additional lock down steps.
3). Install applications only from the Play Store and read reviews before installing.
4). If your provider does not update your phone's software, you should do this manually via releases provided by manufacturers websites.

AFAIK that's pretty much it.

Comment GATE program? (Score 1) 385

"The Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program, authorized by Education Code (EC) sections 52200-52212 (Outside Source), provides funding for local educational agencies (LEAs) to develop unique education opportunities for high-achieving and underachieving pupils in California public elementary and secondary schools who have been identified as gifted and talented. Special efforts are made to ensure that pupils from economically disadvantaged and varying cultural backgrounds are provided with full participation in these unique opportunities. "

Source :

Comment It's not a bad system IMO (Score 2) 223

Google provides FREE news search feature to consumers, funds and profits from it via ads on search page.
Newspaper gets worldwide exposure which drives (increases) existing ad revenue/views

News companies should be elated about this service, they are basically getting exposure and increased revenue from google's search product without having to pay Google a dime.

Comment I still read the print newspaper.... (Score 3, Interesting) 110

I don't dislike print or digital news. There is a place for both in my opinion.

When I fly it is usually realatively short flights, 1-3 hours. Knowing I can't use electronics through half of the flight I just pickup a newspaper or a copy of news week for the trip, I read it on the flight and leave it at the gate for others to read after me. Same with the newspaper at coffee shops, its a media that is comfortable for me, whereas small phone screens or electronic tablet screens really feel foreign still to me.

I had a Kindle Fire for a while but found that wifi coverage really wasn't very good even though I live in a major city. No wifi on the train, or it wasn't working most of the time so I couldn't read the news or it was so slow that I spent half the time loading on congested wifi. Print media is still the way to go in many circumstances, unfortunately the market is shrinking very quickly so it may go the way of betamax, but until then I'm holding on.

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