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Submission + - Alternative to WordPerfect for merging lists with word processing documents?

Noxal writes: At my workplace we use the latest WordPerfect version for Linux to merge data into word processing templates, basically form letters with a letterhead that plugs in names, addresses, and any other custom data that might be necessary.

Unfortunately that latest WordPerfect version is from 1998 and it's getting to be quite a hassle to deal with. We've not had any luck finding an alternative though.

Requirements: Must be entirely Linux compatible (CentOS). Must be entirely command line based (we could have a graphical environment set up if necessary, but everything would still have to be handled over ssh or rsh). Must be able to pass a word processing document and a CSV (or similar) file to a program and have the program output the document with the data in the CSV file filled in and then print it via lp/CUPS. End users would also have to be able to easily edit the template documents.

Open/Libreoffice doesn't seem to be able to do this headless/automated, but I may be wrong. We do use LibreOffice almost exclusively, so finding a solution that uses LibreOffice in an automated fashion would be fantastic.

Comment Shut up and don't take my money (Score 1) 384

Not that voting with my wallet is relevant here; they don't make anything interesting anyways and my 3DS XL is a piece of shit.

I can kinda maybe understand being upset at us queers demanding to be in every type of media ever, but when Nintendo acted to exclude us as they did here, FUCK THEM.

Comment Re:I Pay (Score 1) 328

Okay, that makes perfect sense. Which is why I'm angry with Netflix as well as Comcast. Instead of paying Comcast to peer with them, they should be paying their provider Cogent for better peering across the board. Netflix is guilty of harming net neutrality. Not necessarily as much as Comcast, but Netflix certainly isn't helping by "caving in" like they have.

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