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Comment Re:How does this account for those who change part (Score 2) 758

Mod parent up. I wish we could count on our respective parties to uphold some core values. I don't vote for Democrats because I expect some return in the form of liberalization of government or society. Disappointment after disappointment has taught me not to do that. I vote for Democrats because I don't want more Scalias and Thomases deciding what the Constitution really means, and because I don't want the Bushes and Palins and Ryans and Romneys of the world pushing their crazy world views on us all.

Comment Re:So what the article is saying... (Score 4, Interesting) 758

1. I've never called for censorship. I do like people to act civilly, but in any kind of public forum that can't be enforced, it's just a wish.
2. I'm not so much pro-gun control as I am opposed to letting one organization have such a powerful pull on what laws get made that we can't even expect our lawmakers to engage in a legitimate discourse on the topic.
3. I have no idea what you are talking about.
4. Seriously, I have no idea what you are talking about.

Maybe you need to talk to some real liberals instead of listening to stereotypes of them on TV.

Comment Re:cool (Score 1) 413

Well after reading the announcement or whatever we're calling it, I'd have to say it affirms my recently evolved judgment (over about the last two years) that Apple is the opposite of cool...So no worries, they are definitely not infringing your patent.

Comment Re:missing option (Score 1) 572

I don't think you meant "ring and index gripping the right side", but "ring and pinky gripping the right side". Well, I have large hands, but gripping the mouse between thumb and ring finger feels (to me) like an unnatural stretch. Even more so for click-and-drag" operations. So it's between thumb and pinky for me. Maybe it's a difference in musculature between us, but I find that gives the best fine positioning control.

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