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Comment Re:cool (Score 1) 413

Well after reading the announcement or whatever we're calling it, I'd have to say it affirms my recently evolved judgment (over about the last two years) that Apple is the opposite of cool...So no worries, they are definitely not infringing your patent.

Comment Re:missing option (Score 1) 572

I don't think you meant "ring and index gripping the right side", but "ring and pinky gripping the right side". Well, I have large hands, but gripping the mouse between thumb and ring finger feels (to me) like an unnatural stretch. Even more so for click-and-drag" operations. So it's between thumb and pinky for me. Maybe it's a difference in musculature between us, but I find that gives the best fine positioning control.

Comment Re:missing option (Score 1) 572

I've always preferred keyboard input over mouse. But I'm using one now. Why? Because every GUI on earth is too reliant on them. But the mouse is ergonomically a terrible invention. Why is it so hard to drag without accidentally tripping the right button (left button, if you are left-handed) with the ring finger? I'd want to un-invent the mouse so that I could reinvent it without a button in that position. I'd have two buttons, one would be under the index finger, the other under the middle finger. Then it wouldn't be such a pain in the ass.

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