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Comment Easy to start (Score 1) 140

My first job involved Java and I used Eclipse for that. In the meantime, I spot another job which involves C++, Python and Objective-C. Recently I wanted to quickly hammer out an Android app and I was pleasantly surprised by Android Studio. In three days, I got a basic five-screen app running to display a JSON-pooping web service.

It works like you expect a modern IDE to work. And that's all I needed.

Comment Cheapskate (Score 1) 983

he didn't have a good way to backup that much data

But he did. Another RAID array of the same size would have sufficed. Oh, now I see what you mean. He didn't want to spend the money on a good way to backup that much data.

Another issue entirely :-)

Comment Re:Tried playing this game (Score 2) 218


D&D was awesome as a 20-year-old

It's still awesome as a 30-year-old :) I'm playing with a bunch of people who work in the same building as I do. We usually play every two weeks. Sometimes it's old-school AD&D, sometimes the newer 3.5. It's amazing to just forget a bit about work, wife and kid, and play the hammer-wielding cleric.

Comment Don't start bashing the curious (Score 5, Insightful) 383

Obviously the submitter didn't grow up with a unix background, as lots of people here have. And now I see lots of people asking what the hell submitter is thinking, "is this a joke", "not worthy of a story" et cetera.

But think about it. Submitter came from a GUI background and now discovers the commandline. I'm thinking back when I started with Linux, feeling totally amazed about so much utilities, so much power and I kinda envy the submitter :)

So give it a rest and just chip in.

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