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Comment Re:10+ is winning... (Score 1) 958

Lets see... 1 Denmark 2 Sweden 3 Norway 4 Poland 5 Czechia* 5 Slowakia* 6 Hungary 8 Austria 9 Switzerland 10 Italy 11 France 12 Greece 14 Vatikan, if you want to count that. going to the USA next week, first time leaving europe. next on the list: spain, the UK, ireland, maybe kenia. I'm from germany btw; europeans do have it easy :-) *also: chechoslowakia (spelling?) as a small child

Comment Re:Why treat it as physical media? It's not! (Score 1) 356

>I wouldn't leave my car outside my house with the keys in the ignition for all to steal (well, >actually, my car is terrible so I have contemplated it). My first car was old and ugly, and I never kept anything valuable in there, so I didn't bother locking the doors, and often left the keys in the car; but never in plain view and only in the inition when it was parked next to the front door. And I never had any problems. Living in the countryside has its advantages.

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