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Comment It's all about the money. (Score 4, Insightful) 386

The trades weren't pushed out of high schools because they were "retooling" they were pushed out because there was no money to teach them. Teaching trades requires expensive equipment that must be kept up and insured against accidents. Teaching IT requires obsolete donation computers that cost nothing and have very little upkeep. If Moore's law slows the donation computers will probably dry up too and then there will be nothing at all.

Comment Re:What? (Score 1, Offtopic) 229

I have to agree. This is critical. Video editing is an art. Artists HATE changing their tools. It used to be with film cameras that if a pro quality camera got discontinued the second hand value skyrocketed, frequently to above the original new retail price. An artist has to get used to the behavior of a media to the point that you don't have to think about it before you can really really start to get work done. Your editors and pixel pushers will know only about the software suite they have trained to use whether they think so or not. Getting them to become efficient on a different software suite can take months, and you start risking horrible footage destroying "oops" mistakes while they train up. If you don't know what they trained on you are going to have to go MAC. It's the only thing that runs everything.

Comment Re:after a few minutes of internet searches.. (Score 1) 519

I did find one site www.malecontraceptives.org/methods/others.php The site won't load but their google cached page did. The page claims that the male test never took place and instead was a test of the wives of 20 soldiers for a neem based spermicidal cream. They have an annotation too, but of course that page doesn't work either. This one has a bit more credence in that there is now a neem based spermicidal cream that is now widely sold throughout India.

Comment after a few minutes of internet searches.. (Score 2, Informative) 519

Your affusively swenstionalist article points to the existence of neem oil as a pesticide, and apparently a fairly good one (doesn't make me want to drink it btw) but does not mention at all any trials by the Indian military or it's effectiveness. The much less evangelical Neem wiki and the neem entry at drugs.com mention many medical uses, mostly for skin diseases in traditional medicine, and food additives, but makes no mention of male contraception. Female contraception tests in animals are mentioned but not any clinical tests.

I was able to find for both male and female contraception at a new age herbal medicine site http://www.sisterzeus.com/neem.html which seems to contain linked end notes but all the notes are missing. This is quite disturbing as false annotation has been a repetitive problem in the New Age movement, the most famous being the "Chalice and the Blade" scandal about 20 years ago. Google searching the two names mentioned in conjunction with neem did yield some results. Noel Vietmeyer has apparently written a book (not a paper, a book) extolling neem as a wonder plant, but he is not the one who performed the study. It is the only reference I can find. All other references seem to lead back to that one.

I can find no first hand evidence at all on the internet that the Indian military study took place at all.

Comment The pre-existing condition is a claim of fraud. (Score 1) 16

Hepatitis C eats your liver. It's incurable and fatal. This guy had numerous drug convictions and had really low chance of getting a liver transplant even if he could afford it, which of course he couldn't, him being a junkie and all. He was a walking dead man. If he knew he had hep C, or even merely that his liver was failing, not that hard since it turns your skin bright banana yellow, the chances that this is insurance fraud is very very high. I'm with the company on this one.

Comment anything that can be sent can be recorded (Score 1) 154

On a business, rather than celebrity autograph level, how is this different than an autopen except that it's (lots) harder to detect forgery? How is this a good thing?

Anything that can be sent can be recorded, and anything that can be encrypted can be decrypted given enough time. The security of the device seems to be based on the fact that it is more or less unique. This will not remain true, and therefore the security offered will not continue to exist. All this machine has done is make one of our last fairly good low tech verification systems useless not even for some other great purpose, but for the convenience of celebrities. Forgive me if I find this less than noble.

Comment Re:Google (Score 1) 90

You can choose not to use google in much the same way as you can choose not to be bitten by mosquitoes in the middle of the Minnesota woods.

You are free to swat at will. You may occasionally miss, You can wear bug repellant but it is imperfect and tends to wear off. You may be unable to swat at all. On many systems (such as say my treo 680) because the script and cookie handling functions are not advanced enough to be able to do more than simple global on/off you are more or less stuck with it. Almost everything I use on the internet requires scripts/cookies these days. Even with firefox+noscript/cookiesafe google has an annoying habit of staying on unless specifically killed every time.

In the end if you walk into the woods you get bit. The only question is how often.

Comment Re:Hmmmmm (Score 1) 1127

Religious shops always suck.
They have no problem with all kinds of favoritism and unethical behavior because it is for the cause. The ones I have seen have been Christian but this is generally how it works. At least they didn't pressure you unsubtly to convert and start donating part of your salary as well. That one is also pretty standard.

Comment an industrial waste angle. (Score 5, Interesting) 158

titanium dioxide is the main pigment base in modern (but not pre-70's) white paint. While titanium is not a particularly cheap metal, paint chips are something that is actually hard to get rid of. I wonder if they could be fed on waste drywall stripped from homes. that's basically paint, paper, and gypsum.

Comment Free the blue smoke! (Score 2, Interesting) 357

I wonder how well that hammer thing worked.

It's beautifully effective for drives because they are high speed high precision mechanical devices, but even if you broke up the circuit board the chips were soldered to a guy with a soldering iron and some know how might still be able to get it back together again. Looking at that cell to gate progression posted earlier it sounds like unless you are able to actually destroy a given gate you don't destroy access to a give chip. If you were able to access the internals of the chip that might not be a barrier.

Too many electrons are easy to find though. Maybe get some rubber gloves, one of those hand held stun guns and zap the board parts a few times after (or before) you're finished hammering. It could be fun and sparkley. This also provides opportunity for some memorable conversations with management. " ...It's these SSDs boss. They're just really hard to erase when they fail. I'm afraid the department is going to need it's own Vandegraff generator..."

The blue smoke wants to be free.

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