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Comment Re:Drug test the final standard? (Score 2) 482

It should also be pointed out that cyclists are typically not very wealthy. The longer this goes on the more people close to Armstrong will be dragged into an unaffordable and life wrecking ordeal. It is one thing to say that Lance can afford to pay for his defense. However, it would be inappropriate for him to fund the defense of other. It is a really bad situation all the way around.

Comment Re:Willing to bet.. (Score 1) 1706

Exactly, the individual who happened to fire that particular bullet. While the initiator is to blame for the situation each individual holds their own responsibility for how they respond. Think of it this way, if a gunman entered a crowded room and shot some people, would it be acceptable to take him out with a grenade?

This is not such a black and white issue. If people who are not properly trained respond in a reckless manner then they are responsible. There is a line somewhere between do nothing and everybody should be armed.

As an aside, I think that the do nothing crowed is just as loney and the guns for everybody crowed.

Comment Re:advantages of multiple inheritance (Score 1) 209

Actually, more than 50% of programmers are below average. There is always a large number of beginning programmers compared to the few exceptional programers in the long tail of the population. Long tail populations almost always have an average on the long tail side of the median. In this sense I think that it would even be fair to say that the overwhelming majority of programmers are below average. This is in line with my experiencing with programmers.

Comment Re:Renewable or infinite? (Score 1) 835

It turns out that the same slight of hand is used with runways which only last so long because they choose to have airplanes come into contact at specific angles instead of just belly flopping at a single point. Just think about how much more efficient runway construction could be. It is obviously all a shame.

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