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Comment The best thing Windows 8 has going for it... (Score 3, Interesting) 504

is that there is an outside chance that it may finally see the end of Ballmer. He's clearly never had the chops for the CEO position and his tenure has been disastrous. The only thing that saved him was that just as the Vista debacle was at its peak, Jobs lost sight of Mac OS X and turned all his company's attention to mobile devices, just when Apple had the best opportunity in their lifetime to make serious market share gains on the desktop.

Comment Re:Japan: (Score 1) 252

Yeah, let's focus on internet radio in order to cherry pick an obscure example that satisfies your ridiculous need to bury your head in the sand and pretend that the U S of A is only "second bottom" when it comes to overzealous rights protection.

Despite this incident involving Japanese journalists, America is way worse. No one has been prosecuted or fined in Japan for downloading illegally. Compare that to the numerous court cases and multiple-thousand dollar "fees" sent out by the RIAA during their war on the consumer. Or any number of other mainstream examples that actually affect people. It's not even illegal (at the time of writing) to download copyright infringing content - only to upload it, although unfortunately that law will be revised in a few months.

Comment Re:VBA? (Score 1) 285

You should go visit Japan and Korea. EVERYTHING technical is done in local languages.

Except actual programming, which they have absolutely no problem with. Which makes your point somewhat moot given the context of the discussion.

(I work in software development in Japan, for what it's worth.)

Comment Re:oh, I don't think they're ignoring bad tech (Score 3, Insightful) 134

I agree, wholeheartedly. It's very unusual to hear Japanese, especially politicians, comment on firmly established elements of their own culture in a negative way. While I doubt we're witnessing a sea change, and to be honest, in a lot of ways Japanese culture is also responsible for a lot of positives (e.g. clean streets, low crime etc.), it's good to see a bit of introspection going on here.

Comment Re:7-inch? (Score 2) 198

If they decide to make it cellular capable, they could leverage the kinds of subsidies that the carriers offer and build a better tablet but still hit $199. It simply wouldn't make sense for me, with all the hoohah about maps recently, that they would ship a tablet without GPS.

Comment Re:software dev? (Score 4, Interesting) 416

Absolutely. As someone who regularly hires, I've recruited people with a math degree from a decent college over people with computer science degrees before. It's possible the two have changed, but back when I was at university, I did Comp Sci and sat in for a couple of lectures a week with the first year math undergrads. What they were doing was considerably more challenging than anything I encountered in my four years.

Comment Re:Sci Fi Luminaries? (Score 1) 158

Doesn't matter anyway. They're going to need at least 100 times what they've raised so far to even make it to B-grade standard, so even the "fastest funded" isn't fast enough given their timescale. Never gonna happen. It'll be interesting to see what will happen if a studio steps in and makes up the shortfall then reaps a lion's share of the profits leaving all these small investors looking like a bunch of schmucks.
Hardware Hacking

Wipeout Recreated With an RC Car 90

An anonymous reader writes "If you've owned any of Sony's PlayStation consoles then there's a good chance you've also played one of the Wipeout games. It's a high-speed racing game that helped make the PSOne popular, and it's now been recreated using a remote control car. The project is the idea of Malte Jehmlich. He decided to create a track out of cardboard reminiscent of the Wipeout tracks. He then hooked up a wireless camera to a remote control car, and modified the controller to be an arcade cabinet with a wheel and forward/reverse selector."

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