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Comment Re:Given the choice (Score 2) 269

Well, Musk and his pals own the largest part of the shares, so I guess he can be a bit more blasé than many in his position. Assuming Tesla don't need extra money from outside his circle that is.

I think he is being genuine, he is trying to do something new and change things, he is not interested in maximising the share price day to day and finds that attitude an annoyance. Whether that will bite him in the end and whether he will succeed I don't know, but good luck to him.

Comment A good thing I think (Score 4, Informative) 136

Here in South Australia, the Astronomy Society of South Australia is also involved in this process, applying to the International Darksky Association for formal accreditation of the Mid-Murray region ( http://www.rivermurraydarkskyr... ), a very sparsely populated region with significant areas of national park. I'd be interested to know know the differences in local legislation/recognition required between the US and South Australia. I'm not involved myself, but from what I've heard the local council here are very supportive.

Comment Re:Ads on the Internet != Other mediums (Score 1) 204

I've always tried to avoid ads as much as possible, throughout my life as far back as I can remember. If I Google for a Product I even scroll down below the 'ad' for the manufacturer and click on the straight google link lower down. Before the internet, I'd turn off the TV, go do something else etc. when the ads came on and avoid channels with excessive ad breaks (I live in Australia now and simply avoid the commercial channels altogether).

As others have also said, I do my own research for most of what I buy. I'm sure that over the years advertising has had a sublte effect on my brand perception, but I think it is limited and I will put personal experience way above any received info, especially from advertising.

So far as I am concerned the quicker that internet advertising dies the better. I remember back in the early-mid nineties (I guess I had internet access from around '94 through the university I worked at) how much nicer it was when everything wasn't filled with ads and most of the content was just from people with an interest in something. Sort of of like a giant Wikipedia with everyone formatting stuff however they liked and without the hideous tortuous English Wikipedia forces on writers. Ah, nostalgia.

Comment Re:They were dead 10 years ago. (Score 5, Interesting) 60

I was an editor for a couple of sub-categories for quite a few years, starting soon after the ODP was set up. In the end I gave up though, as you say, it was massively out of date. It was a nice idea, and remains a nice idea, but is simply impractical these days. When the web was largely static it was useful. Now, not so much, sadly.

Comment Re:OMG that's awesome... (Score 1) 148

Agreed whole-heartedly, though maybe the advent of liquid metal 3D printing will be a new innovation that will change the world? I didn't think much of the plastic layering jobs (I have no need for prototyping, but appreciate they are very useful for others), but printing in metal without the layers? When that is at the pro-sumer level, I think we'll have another revolution on our hands, comparable with the internet or smart-phones.

So maybe the good stuff is still happening, just buried in all the cr@p? Or maybe I'm just another old guy who's out of touch!

Submission + - Wikileaks releases Australian gag order on corruption charges (

solanum writes: I recently put up a story on my blog noting that Wikileaks had released the contents of a gag order, here in Australia, covering reporting of investigations into corruption in the note-printing arm of the Reserve Bank of Australia. This goes back to a story a few years ago about RBA officials covering up bribes for note printing contracts overseas. Then I read an article stating that Australians are being threatened with charges for even linking to Wikileaks, despite the website no longer being banned in Australia, and I took it down (my blog is on an Australian server). The gag order is not to prevent the investigation being derailed, which I could just about understand, it is to prevent the names of foreign leaders being published in relation to these charges as some are major trading partners of Australia. Ironically, it has been reported by press in some of those countries that the Australian government was seeking to protect from embarrassment! Is this right? I don't think so.

Comment Waxy cuticle and trichomes (Score 3, Informative) 33

A bit of fun for those involved, but funnily enough plant science has actually investigated this over many decades. Go to a search engine of your choice and look up "waxy cuticle" and "trichomes". Sorry if I appear snide, but this is rather like someone posting an article about how they were amazed at what is inside their desktop PC, with photos and everything, as if no one had looked inside one previously. Neither the word cuticle nor the word trichome appear in that article, which shows they made no attempt to find out anything about their subject. Nice videos though, would be good for teaching!

Comment Re:FB is dying - Film at 11 (Score 1) 53

Interesting that you should mention that as I removed it last week. I haven't cancelled my account, just taken it off my phone. I'll check it weekly or so via my desktop browser I guess. It was annoying me on the phone though. Now I keep getting emails from Facebook telling me I'm "missing" stuff.... I'm over 30 by the way.

Comment Different to any other science? (Score 1) 226

I'd be interested to see how these figures compare to other sciences. I am a mid-career biologist (did eight years as a post-doc and have had a permanent research position for the last seven years). I've always felt that we lose about half of PhD graduates to other areas, partly because they don't want and to partly because there aren't enough jobs, and then about half of post-docs don't continue in science for the same reasons. Doesn't seem that different. I do remember that, when I was a post-doc, an eminent prof (multiple Nature papers) in my field once said to me that he didn't know anyone who was 'really' determined to continue in science who didn't make it as a career. I'd say that is still true. It is a tough career that doesn't pay that well (compared to other professions with equivalent training), but a rewarding one.

Comment Re:Great country you have over there (Score 4, Insightful) 771

I don't want to appear to be joining any anti-US bandwagon or proffering an opinion on any perceived rights and wrongs, but the irony of your post is quite amazing. The origin of much anti-US feeling is that people see the US as interfering in their region, whereas you are complaining that those who have anti-US feeling should do without US involvement in their region...

Submission + - Government inquiry says Australians should bypass geo-blocks (

solanum writes: We Australians are often resigned to paying more for goods shipped to this side of the world. The high Australian dollar in recent years has made buying over the internet from overseas very attractive, but this is frowned upon by many manufacturers. Now Federal MPs have suggested "that consumers find ways to lawfully evade technology that allows IT companies to charge up to twice as much for their products in Australia." Further, the parliamentary committee has gone so far as to suggest "reforms to the Competition and Consumer Act and the Copyright Act to remove barriers to competition, foster innovation, and ensure consumer rights are not lost in the transition to digital content". They found that we pay 42% more for Photoshop and 66% more for Microsoft products than elsewhere. Some sanity at last?

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