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Comment Re:Hurrah? (Score 3, Insightful) 336

When governments are not a huge customer of Microsoft, there might be some ground to complain about them being subject to anti-trust laws.

For the moment, "Microsoft tax" is far too literal. And your comment far too close to the usual silliness of reducing regulations on government-supported monopolies...

Comment Abstraction vs Managed (Score 1) 496

This seems a good place to point out one of the chronic errors of people talking about software development...

Abstract does not mean slow, bloated, inefficient, or incomprehensible.

Having the wrong abstraction for the task at hand, however, often does. And blindly questing after "managed" "portable" and "high-level" is a good way to get abstractions which work poorly for *any* task. At best, you get Java/.Net/Javascript... tolerable for many tasks, and completely useless for others.

Comment Re:Once again (Score 1) 346

No. Read the case.

From my understanding, Psystar installed one copy on Apple-branded hardware. They then modified that image, and replicated it repeatedly, eventually onto the systems which were sold (accompanied by unused Apple software).

Those additional copies are pretty clearly not authorized by either Apple nor Copyright law. Those additional copies are why the judge smacked down their first-sale claim. And those additional copies are why arguments about the EULA do not matter one whit.

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