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Comment Re:Why Authentication is a good idea! (Score 1) 256

I have read much in the 'media' about voter disenfranchisement FUD, because of the *onerous burdens* associated with obtaining an "unaffordable" authenticated ID Card... (photo or other biometric authentication)
I am not buying that it is too expensive. What about the costs a voter incurs to miss work to go vote? What about the gas used to drive the voter to the voting booth? It is all the same. (Obviously missed work time is much less money than the cost of a state-issued photo ID card, even at minimum-wage rates)...

That being said, Biometric/Photo ID Cards should be free to eligible voters (once per election cycle) who go to the State tag office and request one.
The State should pay for at least one Authenticated Photo ID every four years. This is the 21 Century People!
Have the State issue free voting Photo IDs as part of the election process if the voter does not wish to purchase a passport or Photo Driver's License/Photo ID. (And passports would be ideal, as they list your citizenship and thus your eligibility to vote, assuming you are not a felon...)

I agree with the sovereignty of State's Rights, but for FEDERAL elections, we need solid uniform standards and a way to verify that voting fraud is not occurring.
It is difficult to believe that my state WILL NOT verify it is me when I go vote. ? There ARE ways to allow me to authenticate my SECRET vote that are very hard to tamper with...? I require a "Secure" web session and a Federally-assigned PIN number to even view the balance on my Student Loans!... why not to verify my voting choices?
-If I need a State or Federally-Issued Photo ID to cash an Unemployment/Welfare/Social Security/Retirement/Military/IRS Refund Check at a US bank (don't forget my fingerprint), why NOT to vote here?

Comment Re:Why Authentication is a good idea! (Score 1) 256

I understand the desire for secrecy in the voting, but how do I know my ELECTRONIC vote was not changed?
I could verify that by looking it up online and getting a verification in the mail.
Maybe my vote was bit-flipped for the other guy? How would I ever know that without being able to audit my own vote?

I suppose my point is, that I do not trust the system and there is ZERO way to verify my choices.
I would rather give up some secrecy in the vote to verify it made it to the correct place.
There is just far too much schenanigins possible with the current system.
I could have voted for my uncle who was in the hospital because I know his district and his name. NOBODY would ever have known.
Now what happens when you have multiple people registering to vote multiple times and the vary their names.... I recall numerous reports in the news of this happening in the last election... The hard part is getting the name in the book... you can send numerous proxy button-pushers in to vote for the names and stuff a ballot box, regardless of how well Diebold's audits hold up. The system is still broken and I do not trust it.

To prevent Fraud and to enhance Authentication while maintaining secrecy, some countries dip the thumbs of EVERY voter in indelible ink.
Perhaps a Photo ID that was issued specifically with the verification that that person is eligible to vote in US elections is a bit more civilized than ink?

Comment Why Authentication is a good idea! (Score 4, Insightful) 256

I was very surprised this past election when I attempted to show my State Issued Photo ID card (Driver's License) and Social Security Card to prove who I was in order to vote.
The very polite woman looked away and told me that she CANNOT look at my ID Cards because of laws/rules.
She simply verbally asked for my name from a list of registered voters in my district, I signed my name on the blank beside my computer printed name and was handed my ballot.
Scratching my head, I went into the both and voted. Next I returned my paper ballot card to a large scanning device and inserted it and that was 'voting' for 2008.

What troubles me is that there was almost ZERO authentication! All I needed, was a name and to show up where that name would be likely registered and I could vote fraudulently.
I get more authentication getting gas with mt debit card at 7-11!
I realized that this must be ON PURPOSE. But why? All I can conclude after much though is to allow fraud.
->We already have a perfected system that nearly everyone already knows how to use! They are called Credit Cards!

Why can Mastercard/Visa reliably authenticate BILLIONS of unique transactions with very little error and an audit trail and Diebold cannot?
I believe that when the US has another election, we should be issued Visa/Mastercard Debit cards with our pictures on them linking to a database of our eligibility to vote in US elections.
We use the same credit card/ debit card devices that are used all over which are tied to a computer touch screen, and we "purchase" a list of candidates (just like building a PC at NewEgg..) and then "purchase".
Now I have a printed receipt that instantly confirms my choices and selections after the transaction. If I made any mistake, I will need to immediately take that receipt to the person conducting the elections with my photo ID debit card for voting, and they will assist me in correcting the errors and I will need to electronically sign a form and will be issues a correction receipt with my previous incorrect choices credited to my "account" and the my new correct selections "purchases" on the new receipt.
of course, I will be able to later look this up online to verify my paper receipt matches the online database of my "votes" (purchases).

Why reinvent the wheel? Mastercard/Visa have over 30 year experience conducting authenticated transactions and their fee is typically less than 3%.
The Sause is not in the touch screens or their audit logs, it is in AUTHENTICATION and being able to reliable VERIFY your selections got registered as your choices.
(Of course I will later expect a statement via the US Mail (built in fraud protection laws) that will exactly match my printed receipt obtained at the time of my voting...)

Comment Re:Your ignorance is showing. (Score 1) 109

Thanks for the good information. Very interesting. My intention was not to take a jab at Taiwan (or to lump it in with China) but to generally state that there are significant advantages for US companies to NOT manufacture stuff (as much) in the US anymore. (I am sure Taiwan has advantages over the US or TSMC would set a fab up in the USA...)
I am sure Intel is doing this because it leads to making more money for Intel. They are very smart.

US companies will save money and have higher profits making many products outside the US. As a proud American is hard to say, but that is the world I observe today.
Other than pets and most food products, I can pretty much correctly assume that most everything else purchasable in US consumer goods stores is made in the NOT-USA.

Comment Re:Nice Intel (Score 1) 109

Not sure, but manufacturing OUTSIDE of the US has advantages, some of these could be: Much lower wages, no heath care benefits, lower taxes, no workman's comp, no EPA, no OSHA, and no FICA to pay... not to mention no/few labor laws and NO UNIONS (in many of these places)...
Ever wonder why so many things are being manufactured in the NOT-USA? Some of these reasons are why. Globalization... (Service-based jobs are here to say.. for now.) Sad but true.

Comment Re:Forced upgrade, not uptake (Score 1) 342

Not sure if iTunes for Windows and its "Apple Update" feature is the same as the version of "Software Update" for OSX?
I would be willing to guess that Safari was already on your OSX MBP and perhaps the MBP 'Software updater' and/or the iTunes 'Apple Updater' did not upgrade your version of Safari automatically (or it was already done so and you did not notice).

I have witnessed the Windows implementation of the "Apple Update" that is present in the last several versions of iTunes will gladly inform (uninformed users)that they need updates installed to their Apple Software and the new installer will install Safari/Quicktime/Bonjour/et al as well as the desired iTunes updates on your Windows PC. (only users that understand the fact they do not NEED or better yet may not WANT the other software which the iTunes update installs also...)

For the Record: I am not Anti-Apple. I actually *love* Apple hardware (most of it) I even had a Newton!. I like OSX too

Comment Re:Forced upgrade, not uptake (Score 1) 342

Yes, thank you. And to be sure my point is proven, despite my very VALID and well thought out points from my post:
Would you care to make a wager that the Apple Fanboys will mod me as Troll/Flamebait? COUNT ON IT!

iSafari (Beta or otherwise) has *NOTHING* to do with iTunes.
Forcing its installation via the 'Apple Update' for an UNRELATED Apple product (iPod) is clearly a valid point and ON topic. It skews *actual* useage.
WHAT? Mods call that fact pointed out with other cited iCrippling limitations of the iPod/iTunes by iDesign as troll/flamebait?
I sense fruit-company Bias here... :o)
Bet they would be pissed if it installed Firefox or Opera whenever they ran "Apple Update". Same difference...
I would love to use the snappy iPod hardware if it were not so heavily/deliberately crippled...

IF I could use iPod iHardware without installing a single piece of iSoftware (like the Creative Zen and numerous other portable media devices that will NEVER install iSafari on my stepfather's system!) I suppose I would have been more positive on the iPod iTunes and iApple iUpdate in my anti-iPost...

Comment Re:Forced upgrade, not uptake (Score 0, Troll) 342

YES, My stepfather HATES Safari and I have (gladly) iUninstalled it at least 3 times so far....
For some reason when he iClicks the prompted iApple iPod iSoftware iUpdate he gets a NEW iTunes and iQuicktime installation for his never-used-since iChristmas iPod and iVOILA! he has the new iSafari iInstalled AGAIN.

So understandably, he is unhappy (again) as to how this unwanted and unsolicited browser on got there again and how dare it decide to be his browser, where's the IE he has used forever with all of the links? (phone call follows to come over and remove the offending browser...)
Too bad he bought some iDRM'D iMusic with iTunes at iChristmas or I'd uninstall *ALL* iApple software on his PC.

iSOLUTION: Maybe he'd just use a shiny new Creative Zen or anything not brought to him by the letter "i" ?!?
I bet he would dump the iPod and iTunes when iI show him the magic of simply dragging MP3 into the new drive letter of his standards-based USB cable connected media player in Windows Explorer (iTunes iSucks and is altogether unnecessary and VERY BADLY BLOATED... once users move to actual non-DRM media files.)
The challenge will be to teach new software to him that simply organizes and helps create playlists on the player not incrimentally attempt to take over his universe.
He will greatly enjoy the ease of backing up his MP3 and WAV files on his external drive using the very complicated "Copy" command in Windows Explorer (and even putting them on all of his media players..... SNAP! )
iI iMay iHave iJust iConvinced iMy iSelf...

Comment Methanol is toxic and reacts with metals... (Score 4, Informative) 116

Not sure this is the best alcohol fuel to oxidize (burn) in a fuel cell use?
Ethanol is a less toxic and less reactive to metals (and much safer) alcohol to use.
From another methanol MSDS: "Releases flammable vapors below ambient temperatures. When mixed with air and exposed to ignition source, vapors can burn in open or explode if confined. Mixtures with water and as little as 21% (by vol.) methanol are still flammable (flash point less than 104F). Under some circumstances, may corrode certain metals, including aluminum and zinc and generate hydrogen gas. A methanol fire may not be visible to the naked eye."

Aren't many laptops made of aluminum and zinc and magnesium? What happens when the lithium battery decides to cook off? Hummmm?
(In any case, I am sure the TSA will let us all board planes with our alcohol-fueled laptops.)

Sony To Unveil New Fuel-Cell Prototype 116

Nakeot writes "On Friday, Sony plans to unveil their newest portable fuel-cell technology, aimed at a variety of mobile applications. From the article: "The system contains both a methanol fuel cell and a Li-on battery" and can "intelligently switch between power from the battery, fuel, or even both under high-draw circumstances." Sony intends to show off two models claimed to power your cell for a week or a month, respectively, as well as the latest developments with their sugar-batteries that can now run purely off your favorite cola beverage. This model builds on Sony's 2008 model, their first commercially-demonstratable prototype, and could make waves with Sony's OLED devices, but will Sony be able to avoid another battery recall?"

Comment Hurricane Insurability? Sovereignty? (Score 1) 124

Not sure if they have calculated the TCO completely?
If State Farm is completely pulling out of Florida for profitability reasons, what makes the developers thing this thing will be insurable?

It also depends HOW FAR off shore it is and if is out of International Waters?? ...then you have to consider going through Customs, and the fact that there is no Police, Fire, EMS or 911 service, etc... A real Insurance Nightmare. I suppose there will have to be signed "EULA" Disclaimers... (under what jurisdiction?) (Though some might try to make it an Amsterdam on stilts, etc... it is possible the rich stoner crowd is not too worried about insurance.)

Microsoft Unveils Windows 7 File-Sharing Beta 230

nandemoari writes "Microsoft yesterday released a trial version of new file-sharing software intended for use with its upcoming and highly-anticipated operating system. The new software allows PC users to swap files with the computers of friends, family, and trusted colleagues along safe, secure channels. Dubbed 'Windows Live ID Sign-in Assistant 6.5,' the beta connects the Windows Live IDs of individual users with a Windows 7 account, essentially building a secure link between data stored on a hard drive and information accessible via Windows Live online."

Reclaiming Oil Rigs As Oceanic Eco-Resorts 124

Mike writes "Here's an innovative reuse for those old abandoned oil rigs littering the ocean — convert them into eco resorts. Morris Architects' Oil Rig Platform Resort and Spa makes use of one of 4,000 oil rigs out in the Gulf of Mexico and transforms it into a beacon of sustainability, re-imagining an iconic source of dirty energy as an eco-haven that generates all of its power from renewable sources."

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