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Comment Re:Yeah, not buying it. What hardware? (Score 1) 489

I can only speak for myself, but the HP TouchSmart I bought in May this year has an ATI graphics card that was recognised by one system component and wasn't by two others. If it had not been recgnised at all, things would work, albeit without hardware acceleration. But things being as they were, I got non-working applications and error messages instead. Although I managed to figure out what went wrong, and got that fixed in the other two components (all three components had a hardcoded list of PCI IDs, and my device's ID was only present in one of them), I think that qualifies as a "pain" nonetheless.

Comment Re:Stop trying to teach what you don't understand (Score 1) 114

No, that isn't what you said. Allowing Google to access your site and asking Google to access your site are two different things. By neither opting in nor opting out, you're allowing Google to access your site, because the default is to allow it and you haven't told Google otherwise, but that's not opting in. Hint: what does opt mean? Who has chosen that the default is to allow anyone to visit your site? If it isn't you, then you didn't opt.

Comment Re:Favorite (Score 1) 46

Adding -D command-line options is cheating, as it allows a single-character program to do literally anything: gcc -Dx='main() { puts("Hello, world!"); }' x.c where x.c consists of a single line containing the character x.

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