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Comment wait (Score 1) 420

So basically replacing water with a mixture of salt, sugar, and corn syrup will cause health problems?

NO SHIT? REALLY? /sarcasm

The dehydration effects of that much soda mixed with the effects of that much of a caloric overload (My conservative estimate pegs it at about 425 calories per liter for cola. So someone consuming seven liters a day would be consuming almost 3000 calories a day, and that's before we factor in food intake. (Keep in mind the average person needs between 2000 and 2200 calories to maintain body weight, anything more becomes fat.)

Comment one thing (Score 1) 258

As it currently stands, a human operator makes all kill orders, be it dropping a bomb from an F117 to ordering a predator drone to open fire. DoD culture simply does not presently allow for autonomous robots with lethal weaponry. (Though it could be argues this is less about ethical issues and more about preserving the current way of life in the armed services)

Comment Gigapan (Score 1) 106

A summer camp I worked at was using software called gigapan. Basically a tripod with a servo on it and some custom software to take a shit load of ~4MP pictures and stitch them together to create an extremely high resolution panorama.

The CMU project page has more details, and the commercial arm of the project is here.

Comment hmm (Score 1) 695

The cynic in me is skeptical that the swine flu story broke the same day it was announced more torture pictures were being released.

Misdirection is one of the oldest tricks in the book.

If you you take a look at the detailed stats on the effected, only people in Mexico died, which could be attributed to lack of medical attention rather than a particularly virulent strain of swine flu. In mexico, roughly 1600 people were infected, roughly 100 died. However in the US, we've had ~100 confimed cases. Based on that data, we should expect ~10 deaths, but have had none so. far.

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