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Comment Re:Bose is overpriced crap and always has been (Score 1) 328

I always think it's funny when people get really snarky making wrong grammar corrections.

"Their" refers back to "Apple and Bose", although "stall" should be plural. The sentence is saying "so why should we care about which crap is pulled from Apple and Bose's respective stalls".

Comment Re:I don't think particulate contaminants evaporat (Score 1) 70

Have you read the article?

I know... stupid question.

The hypothesis is that evaporated siloxanes photo-oxidize (in the presence of hydroxyl radicals), then condense onto nanoparticles (that have been separately created by different sources), causing them to grow into the size range that's harmful for humans.

Comment Building materials? (Score 3, Interesting) 70

This stuff is also heavily used in building materials -- sealants that keep water from soaking into concrete, for instance. I'd be curious to see why they dismiss such building materials as a source, focusing only on personal-care products. It's possible that there is simply so much more used in personal care products. But the one link that isn't slashdotted doesn't explain why the focus on personal-care products.

Comment Re:Right to be forgotten? (Score 1) 193

The right to be forgotten should apply to Facebook as well. What it doesn't apply to is first-party stuff that gets covered by freedom of the press, as that is considered to trump the privacy freedom. Don't ask me how they decide whether or not to consider Facebook "press". I quickly get lost in the mind-boggling logic of telling Google not to list something in an index that is sitting publicly on a website.

Comment Re:Get facts straight (Score 1) 193

I think the point is that if you want access to stuff from an HD, it's got to be plugged into something. The more storage you have, the more of those "somethings" you need, along with the routers and logic to connect them all together. All of that stuff takes power, even when the HDs themselves are asleep.

You could do something similar to the Blu-Ray setup, where a robot plugged/unplugged hard drives instead. But I'll bet once you're going to accept that kind of latency, a robotic Blu-ray juke-box with lots of Blu-Ray disks would be a whole lot cheaper than a robotic HD juke-box with lots of HDs (the lots of Blu-Ray disks vs lots of HDs being where the savings would really be found).

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