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Comment Re:What!? (Score 2, Informative) 658

From what I know of cable co's, they periodically check the settings on their modems (we know they can change them when you upgrade/downgrade service, it follows they can also check the current settings). I know that's how they used to catch uncappers in the past. Kind of a "trust but verify" approach.

You can attach a DOCSIS device of your own, but unless their equipment allows it onto their tubes (provisions it), you're not going to get any service. You could of course try to clone someone's MAC address, but then you've crossed over into illegal/stealing service territory. A cable company is not going to allow end user equipment onto their network that they have no control over since their whole ISP business model is based on charging for bandwidth.

Comment Re:What!? (Score 5, Interesting) 658

I did RTFA. His biggest misstep that brought attention to his actions was running a company that sold uncapped and hardware modded modems. He sold a couple to undercover feds. That was a Bad Idea. Selling hacked equipment that is designed to overcome preset bandwidth limits or provide unauthorized (free) service by cloning mac addresses of other authorized modems seems like "aiding and abetting". Running uncapped modems on Comcast's network would also seem like wire fraud (fraudulent activity involving electronic equipemnt) to me.

Comcast owns their network and sells you access based on bandwidth. More bandwidth costs more. If you find a way to circumvent their bandwidth limits, you are breaking your agreement with them (as well as violating the DMCA). Modding your own cable modem and running it on your own cable network is ok. Running it on someone elses is not.

Hacking to gain knowledge/enlightenment is one thing. Using that knowledge to steal service is uncool.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 141

There is one more point that I seem to remember - AOL owning a cable lines. For a while, they owned some small cable co in Virginia (or at least partly owned it). At the time I thought that they were going to build that out since it was The Future. However, after the merger they decided it didn't fit their business model and they sold it all off to concentrate on dialup. I'm sure they genius who did that got a great bonus after that completed (From resume "Generated XX millions for company by finding and selling off negative-profit assets").

Now their plan is to sell advertising on their content. But they're very late to the game. Will be interesting to see what value is left.

At their peak they had tens of millions of subscribers - I remember a "20 million members" sign in one of their hallways. I wonder how many are left today.

Comment Re:Gotta love TV networks (Score 2, Interesting) 276

What amazes me is that some ISP's according to ESPN have drank the cool-aid and are paying the extortion fee. I suppose it's good to try new revenue models, but I sure hope this doesn't catch on.

Reminds me a project I was working on years ago where we had a device that processed video signals thought a pc. Someone engineer brought up the issue of macrovision (or product stripped out macrovision as a side-effect). So someone (engineer) checked it out and found out that we would have to pay the macro-folks many $ to *not* strip the encoding. "Well that's a no-brainer, we're done!" all the engineers thought... until the lawyers got wind of it, paid the extortion fee, we made sure to implement macro-vision on the video out, and the product quickly flopped. I wonder if the ISP's lawyers are also somehow involved in this...


At Atlantic Records, Digital Sales Surpass CDs 273

The NYTimes reports that Atlantic is the first major label to report getting a majority of its revenue from digital sales, not CDs. Analysts say that Atlantic is out in front — the industry as a whole isn't expected to hit the 50% mark until 2011. By 2013, music industry revenues will be 37% down from their 1999 levels (when Napster arrived on the scene), according to Forrester. "'It's not at all clear that digital economics can make up for the drop in physical,' said John Rose, a former executive at EMI ... Instead, the music industry is now hoping to find growth from a variety of other revenue streams it has not always had access to, like concert ticket sales and merchandise from artist tours. ... In virtually all... corners of the media world, executives are fighting to hold onto as much of their old business as possible while transitioning to digital — a difficult process that NBC Universal's chief executive ... has described as 'trading analog dollars for digital pennies.'"

New 4GB Flash Drive Packs Quite a Punch 119

PCPro has a neat little tidbit about a new flash drive from Corsair. This little drive, only half the size of a lighter, packs a punch with 4GB of data storage and a very reasonable price tag (approx $32 USD). "When a Corsair rep turned up at Dennis Towers yesterday he told us he'd brought something pretty special to show off. We were therefore distinctly underwhelmed when he said it was ... a flash drive. But this flash drive needs seeing to be believed. It's been passed all round the office, where it's invariably been greeted with ooohs and aaaahs of grinning appreciation."

Fifth Cable Cut To Middle East 676

You may have noticed a number of stories recently about undersea cables getting cut around the world. Apparently the total is now up to 5, but the scariest part of this is that Iran is now offline. You can also read Schneier's comments on this coincidence. Update: 02/06 17:42 GMT by Z : As a commenter notes, though the country of Iran is obviously experiencing some networking difficulties, it is not offline.

Submission + - Microsoft goes after Google-DblClick deal

Darkaxe writes: "Microsoft wants regulators to scrutinize Google-DoubleClick deal
Microsoft, long the defendant of marathon antitrust battles against the government and technology industry, is urging regulators to take a closer look at its rival Google's pending acquisition of advertising software company DoubleClick.
Google announced the $3.1 billion deal on Friday, besting Redmond, Wash. based Microsoft and Sunnyvale Internet company Yahoo. "

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The rule on staying alive as a forecaster is to give 'em a number or give 'em a date, but never give 'em both at once. -- Jane Bryant Quinn
