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New 4GB Flash Drive Packs Quite a Punch 119

PCPro has a neat little tidbit about a new flash drive from Corsair. This little drive, only half the size of a lighter, packs a punch with 4GB of data storage and a very reasonable price tag (approx $32 USD). "When a Corsair rep turned up at Dennis Towers yesterday he told us he'd brought something pretty special to show off. We were therefore distinctly underwhelmed when he said it was ... a flash drive. But this flash drive needs seeing to be believed. It's been passed all round the office, where it's invariably been greeted with ooohs and aaaahs of grinning appreciation."

Fifth Cable Cut To Middle East 676

You may have noticed a number of stories recently about undersea cables getting cut around the world. Apparently the total is now up to 5, but the scariest part of this is that Iran is now offline. You can also read Schneier's comments on this coincidence. Update: 02/06 17:42 GMT by Z : As a commenter notes, though the country of Iran is obviously experiencing some networking difficulties, it is not offline.

Submission + - Microsoft goes after Google-DblClick deal

Darkaxe writes: "Microsoft wants regulators to scrutinize Google-DoubleClick deal
Microsoft, long the defendant of marathon antitrust battles against the government and technology industry, is urging regulators to take a closer look at its rival Google's pending acquisition of advertising software company DoubleClick.
Google announced the $3.1 billion deal on Friday, besting Redmond, Wash. based Microsoft and Sunnyvale Internet company Yahoo.

http://www.mercurynews.com/breakingnews/ci_5679514 "

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