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Comment Re:some rules *nearly* never come up (Score 1) 204

I play chess online every day and have never used that site. Ever heard of or OTB stands for over the board, yes in meatspace. What do you mean it does not apply to tournament games? I was distinguishing between OTB games and online games, because in online games the draws are automatic, which is the case on both of the sites mentioned above. From what I can tell from that horrid website is it's a chess server, without a web interface. So did you actually program the chess rules? Do you have a 'claim draw' option or does it automatically draw (genuine question). I'm very tempted to waste time to play on that server and find out for myself. I have also made a chess website, but it does not have the ability to play other people. It's for analyzing your own games and creating chess puzzles. So congrats on doing that website if you are in fact Alexander Maryanovsky, because I know how hard it is. But your site is terribly out of date and you may want to update not just the UI but also the rules since that handbook I'm quoting is the official handbook that professional chess players use.

Comment Re:some rules *nearly* never come up (Score 1) 204

Sorry I didn't have time to research before, because you know this thing called work. But here it is for you, I spent the time to look at the FIDE handbook instead of wikipedia. At 50 moves you can claim a draw, which is automatically implemented online at every chess website I've played on, but it's actually at 75 moves it legally ends as a draw whether or not you claim it in OTB tournaments. So we were both wrong.


Section 9.6

'any consecutive series of 75 moves have been completed by each player without the movement of any pawn and without any capture. If the last move resulted in checkmate, that shall take precedence.'

Go fist yourself.

Comment Re:some rules *nearly* never come up (Score 2) 204

Actually, it does end automatically. I've seen it happen playing chess online. In an OTB (over-the-board) game, I am convinced a draw would be agreed upon well beforehand unless one player was going for a time win.

Regardless, your selective quote left out the end: "In the 20th century it was discovered that some positions of certain endgames can only be won in more than fifty moves (without a capture or a pawn move). The rule was changed to include certain exceptions in which one hundred moves were allowed with particular material combinations. However, more and more exceptions were discovered and in 1992 FIDE abolished all such exceptions and reinstated the strict fifty-move rule."

Comment The dissent (Score 4, Informative) 105

A partial quote that summarizes the point clearly:

"The intensely personal and uniquely pervasive sphere of privacy in our personal computers requires protection that is clear, practical and effective. An overly complicated template, such as the one proposed by the majority, does not ensure sufficient protection. Only judicial pre-authorization can provide the effective and impartial balancing of the state’s law enforcement objectives with the privacy interests in our personal computers. Thus, I conclude that the police must obtain a warrant before they can search an arrested person’s phone or other personal digital communications device. "

Comment Re:The website states exactly what yeast (Score 1) 50

I had to go back and check because you made me doubt myself. As stated in the article:

“As the yeast becomes more unique over time it contributes those characteristics to the flavour and the character of the beer, so potentially this is different than yeast used anywhere else,” said Wall.

“It’s been pretty much separated from mixing with any other yeast and is kept alive, so each batch you keep a little bit and use it in the next and it grows up more, the same thing can be done traditionally in a bakery.”

David Thiessen, a student from SIAST’s bioscience technology program, is using DNA techniques to characterize the genetic identity of GWBC’s proprietary yeast culture.

“Then they will see how close a match it is to an existing strain at yeast banks,” said Fuller.

Comment Re:The website states exactly what yeast (Score 1) 50

I am by no means an expert. I have never made beer myself but have friends that take it very seriously. It's possible to start with a commercial strain and have it evolve into something your own.

Maybe this was a better link to post, although I found the first one more interesting:

Submission + - New facebook terms starting Jan 1st. (

schneidafunk writes: I just saw this pop up on facebook: "By using our services after January 1, 2015, you agree to our updated terms, data policy, and cookies policy and to seeing improved ads based on apps and sites you use. Learn more below about these updates and how to control the ads you see. "

and on clicking to read more there's this scary sounding sentence:
" And we're introducing improvements to ads based on the apps and sites you use off Facebook (online behavioral advertising) and giving you control. "

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