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Comment Re:Sign Language (Score 2, Interesting) 674

Interpreters use the phrase "cultural equivalence" to describe how certain phrases are translated from the original language to the target language, not with word for word meaning, but by taking the statement as a whole. One of my personal favorite examples of this is the Mexican phrase "Go eat peas," and, from what I've bean told means "Buzz off, brat."

So, if to sign something is to attempt to communicate an idea to another individual or group with the use of a signed language, then the word "Signed" can be rendered spoken, said, or communicated if you are using a spoken language.

Comment Re:Good Riddance... (Score 1) 423

Not so fast, The Doctor has been getting younger, and more manic from the first very first regeneration. Also, other time lords seem to get older with each regeneration. I think the 12 regeneration cap, and the tendency to get older with each regeneration would be more about your life stile and mind than your body.

Comment Re:Will be a hard pill to swallow... (Score 4, Interesting) 324

Sounds like a house that was built in my home town (on the rich end). The home was over 5,000 square feet and had huge vaulting rooms. The structure was made of steal tubing, and the inside of the house had all the structural elements exposed (think 80's industrial, I think they were trying to build Doogie Howser loft). The designer decided that AC ducts were ugly so he would just run HVAC inside the steal tubes that made the house.

Well to make a long story short hot and cold air make steal expand and contract. Also, steal is a pour insulator. Not only did this house pop, creak, and groan when ever the heat or AC was turned on, the house needed them all the time because it got full sun in summer and high wind exposure in winter and the whole structure was built like a giant heat sink.

The lesson of this story? Design for functionality first, and if your design is highly functional it will have a cool all it's own.

Comment Re:Not exactly what TFA said. (Score 1) 480

A good friend of mine got into a fight when he was 10 with a 17 year old because the jerk who lived across the street would shout "Hay, that kid can beet you up" to the high school want-to-be gangsters as they would walk home from school.

One of the want-to-be gangsters decided it was time to slap a 10 year old around because of this. My friend politely explained that he didn't want to fight, and that the kid across the street was a jerk, but it was too late. Some one was going to get a beating down. Thankfully my friend COULD kick the living snot out of a 17 year old without any problem. He threw the 17year old over his shoulder and pinned him down, and then explained again very politely that he was not a fighter and asked him very nicely to go away.

The jerk came back in about an hour with his gang and started throwing stuff at the house and yelling to come out and have a clean fight. My friend got rid of them by holding up the phone to the window and shouting "I'm calling the cops right now" and then shouting "9....1....1..." They all took off runing and we never saw them again.

We are in our 30s now and his calm, peaceful ways have only gotten more so. He has relay earned my respect.

Comment Re:Kept Simple... (Score 1) 763

I must make one addendum though. I was in Denmark about five years ago, and my wife and I went to a 'beef house'. I got a stake and chips, it came served on the same cast iron griddle that State side Mexican restaurants serve fajitas on, and in the middle of the plate the water placed a lump of garlic butter. It melted quickly and ended up oozing into everything everything on the plate. I learned two things. Some times you need a fork to eat french frys and two, garlic butter smeared on a stake can be a good thing.

Comment Kept Simple... (Score 5, Insightful) 763

Went to a bbq and was proudly served a slab of beef that cost over $7 a pound that was marinaded for about a month. Now, despite the fact that this beef was grilled to a medium perfection over a hard wood fire, when I bit into it all I could taste was marinade. I could not even pick up the hint of the smoke it was cooked on.

Now, the marinade was good, but that is the treatment you reserve for >$1.50 a pound stuff. When you have beef, or anything, that is at the epoch of what it should be, it is best left as simple and wonderful as possible.

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