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Comment Re:So what happens to the hydrogen? That's usable. (Score 1) 375


"Chambers inside separate the oxygen and release the liquid so that you can breath comfortably in the ocean."

if it's breaking down the 2H's and the O, what's the liquid released? liquid hydrogen? (H turns to liquid @ 423.17 F/252.87C.) I don't think so. at those temperatures, you're no longer talking about liquid water.

O2 is dissolved in the water.. which is why there are huge fishkills when algae/bacteria use up all the breathable O2 in the water.
The most common cause is reduced oxygen in the water, which in turn may be due to factors such as drought, algae bloom, overpopulation, or a sustained increase in water temperature.

sounds like this thing has holes that separate the larger H20 molecules from the smaller o2, a compressor stores the oxygen probably because there's less usable o2 in a lungful of water vs air. ( Using a very small but powerful micro compressor, it compresses oxygen and stores the extracted oxygen in storage tank.)

it's not too good to be true, it's a nano-filtration. fish been doing it for a while.

Comment Re:I Guess (Score 2) 125

most of them already have cars. BART serves the Bay Area. 50 miles south and east of SF.

the week long strike earlier this year caused havoc on the roads- people were on the road at 0400, and still late for work. extra busses, extra boats, not enough.

Comment Re:Does the glasses pose any danger to the eyes ? (Score 2) 124

1) if they only need these things when inserting an IV, they only need to be worn when needed - nurses don't do IVs all day long. a single gaming session is going to last way longer than the 10 seconds it takes to stick a needle in your arm... and it's only for IVs not an injection (which a probably more common)

2) human eyes cannot see the infrared spectrum.. so what's the risk?

Comment there are ways to handle something like this (Score 1) 326

he was made whole (got a 5 instead of the 4s he purchased in July 2013 (a 4s? this year? really?)
and continued to complain (in a non constructive/technical way) despite the fact that he was made whole by his carrier... so if it works for the VAST majority of users, and his problem was resolved by getting new hardware.. why continue?

stopped reading after the first few lines - Lessig is a fucking crybaby.

There are far too many of us affected for this to be a coincidence or consumer caused problem, I had a 16gb white 4s purchased in July 2013 and wifi was completely greyed out no matter what fixes I was advised to try.

I have been successful in my claim and am now in receipt of a brand new iPhone 5, this was provided to me by the phone shop I signed my O2 contract with last year.

Good luck and persevere

Later, I tried to post a question to the post — basically asking whether Apple indeed scrubbed comments, meaning it was worth it for them to censor the community, just not respond to it — but it wouldn’t post.

Comment Re:Evil, powerful men have enemies. (Score 4, Informative) 242

if his pacemaker is anything like the one my fried has, you basically have to touch his chest with another gizmo to see it.

so wireless in the sense that there are no wires sticking out of his nipple... not AQ can kill him from an internet cafe in Pakistan.

what's Cheney's IP? /duh.

Comment Re:This is New? (Score 0) 48

who the fuck said it was new? the author fully acknowledges the program has catered to all for 30 years.


"The three-day program is among more than a dozen versions of Space Camp, which the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville created more than 30 years ago to give visitors a taste of what it's like to train as an astronaut. Lasting up to a week, Space Camps are variously tailored to children, adults, families, corporate team-building and other groups."

Comment sensationalism? (Score 2) 196

this isn't about splitting a single dinner bill as the headline (Google Wants Patent On Splitting Restaurant Bills) suggests.

it's a little more complicated.. where, say, 5 people hang out together for a week, where multiple bills are paid individually by different people over the duration of the vacation or whatever and you need to "settle up" when you get home.

Yes, no matter how you slice it, it's just math (so whether or not you should be able to patent it is arguable) - but, if the patent is for the means by which it's tracked, and the design of the (i assume) app that you use to solve the equation, then a patent may have some merit.

You can solve this using Excel, but a dedicated app to to track the scenario mentioned in the original piece could be very useful to some.

"As an example, assume that a group is created to track and manage the expenditures of four friends (Friends 1-4) while on vacation in Miami. While on vacation, one of the days only three of the friends (Friends 1-3) go eat lunch at a restaurant because Friend 4 is not hungry at the time. The bill for lunch is $60 and Friend 1 pays the bill using a mobile payment service available on his device 104. Friend 1 adds the lunch as an expenditure of the group. When the form is presented to Friend 1 for the lunch, Friend 1 indicates that the lunch should be allocated to Friends 1-3. The lunch is not allocated to Friend 4 because Friend 4 did not participate in the lunch. Further, Friend 1 provides the following amounts of allocation in the form: Friend 1 $25, Friend 2 $16, and Friend 3 $19. In this example, the amount of allocation for each friend is based on what each friend ordered during lunch."

could be further "complicated" if your group of friends has vegetarians (where entrees are usually less than those with meat), and people who don't drink - so the cost of that bottle of wine should be split between the 4 of 6 in your party who actually had some. if someone brought their kids, that introduces yet another variable.

it'd be pretty cool to be able to take a picture of the itemized receipt and assign each line item to a person (drinks and entree), or the group (shared desserts, appetizers) - whatever is appropriate.

Banks are getting in to person to person transfers (using nothing but a mobile number or email address)..
the natural evolution of paying each other is to be able to request money FROM each other.. so i can use my credit card to pay for lunch, then send a note telling my friends they owe me $.

google couple potentially integrate with clearxchange, and (take picture of CC instead of entering the number manually) to settle up once the costs are calculated.

this isn't a patent for a system to do math (addition, subtraction and division). this is a patent on a system that makes it so you don't have to think about the math.

Comment Re:The Shutdown is a lie (Score 1) 87

"It is legal to hold the REST OF THE GOVERNMENT "

I never made any claim about the legality of holding the government hostage.. all I said is some politicians are ignoring it. much the same way Colorado and Washington are ignoring Federal pot laws (which is also an 10th Amendment issue)

the great thing about the American Justice system is if you don't like the law, you can change it... unless you don't have the votes.

Boehner is from Ohio. Ohio didn't vote against Federally mandated healthcare... the Speaker of the House isn't representing his constituents... he's challenging the White House because of his own position.

Boehner is about as UNDEMOCRATIC as can be. This country is based on Democracy.. you rather live under some other system? MOVE.

Let's ask the Federal Employees in Ohio how long they're willing to go without pay so their Rep can stand on his soapbox. Money is a strong motivator. The lack of is even stronger.

In 2 weeks, if the government is still on furlough, the US will default on it's bonds. The worlds most powerful economic entity will look like Greece and Italy to the rest of the world... because mandatory health care is such a terrible thing?

Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Comment Re:The Shutdown is a lie (Score 4, Informative) 87

"to furlough ( that is let federal employees have days off ) with pay"

furlough is UNPAID leave.
a furlough (/frlo/; from Dutch: "verlof", leave of absence) is a temporary unpaid leave of some employees due to special needs of a company, which may be due to economic conditions at the specific employer or in the economy as a whole.

the Affordable Care Act was made LAW last year. get it? LAW. So some politicians are ignoring the LAW and holding the REST OF THE GOVERNMENT hostage.

Comment Re:Netflix (Score 1) 215

netflixUK != netflixUS

others were able to determine what was happening before it happened.. this was published a week before the premiere.

"This has led to high rates of piracy for hit US series like Game of Thrones, True Blood, and The Walking Dead. "Netflix has been instrumental in making Breaking Bad the success that it is," says Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan, echoing previous comments on the platform. "I am delighted that fans [in the UK] will be able to enjoy the end of Breaking Bad on Netflix so soon after it airs in the US."

is theverge too US centric?

misinformation is not the same as misinformed (or just unaware)

let's turn the tables.
I like the Sherlock reboot. If I go to BBC One and look for the schedule and find that it doesn't match the US schedule.. is this misinformation? No, because I'm smart enough to know that BBC1 doesn't give a shite about what Americans want to watch (and they shouldn't have to). For the US sched, I check my LOCAL PBS station.

Comment Re:Netflix (Score 1) 215

I was surprised that the UK gets BB just hours after it airs. It's not misinformation because I don't watch it on AMC - I watch the next day via iTunes - it's NOT available after it airs. you have to wait a day. (due to the time difference, I guess technically, the UK gets it the next day too - 2200 PST is 0600 GMT, right?)

it's not geolocation shite either.

there was an exclusive deal announced in July (before E1S6)

this might be a sign of things to come (near instant availability after the premiere - perhaps to stem piracy?)

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