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Journal Journal: Slackware 14.1 Released!

The venerable Slackware Linux project has just released version 14.1! Here's what's new:

Slackware 14.1 brings many updates and enhancements, among which you'll find two of the most advanced desktop environments available
today: Xfce 4.10.1, a fast and lightweight but visually appealing and
easy to use desktop environment, and KDE 4.10.5,

Comment Re:Gpu based paravirtualization rootkit, all os vu (Score 1) 265

Dude...lay down the crack pipe. It's making you post bullshit- and Anonymously at that.

Any OS? Really? This would mean you're using OpenCL or OpenGL/OpenGLES to do things- just for starters. But, in truth, there's no inbound/outbound pathway from or to the GPU (The GPU generally doesn't have I/O access to things and for good reasons...) without an additional OpenGL/OpenCL application as a front-end. Which would be VERY OS specific.

Sorry, but the person in question that claimed that it was possible hasn't the foggiest about what he was talking about. But...nice try.

Comment I call BS... (Score 1) 265

If it's using some sort of communications ("ultrasonic networking") it's **NOT** airgapped in any way, shape, or form.

"Airgapped" means no remote automated communications of ANY kind would be possible. You can't interact with it by remote, period- you have to have a human being log into a local console to do things with it. This is a failure of the airgapping measures being exploited is all- or it was never really airgapped to begin with.

Comment Re:Still CDDL... (Score 2) 297

CDDL is basically LGPL on a per-file basis.

Perhaps the intent of the licenses is similar, but there's more to a license than that. Unfortunately, being licensed under the CDDL causes a lot more license incompatibility restrictions than either the LGPL or BSD license do. If it were under one of those, there'd be hope for seeing it as an included filesystem in the Linux kernel. But since it's under the CDDL, that can't happen.

The developers are, of course, welcome to use whatever license they like. Just pointing out that the CDDL is *not* basically the LGPL under "per-file" or any other basis.

Comment Re:second hand e-smoke (Score 5, Informative) 314

yummy, I always like breathing in someone else's medicated ethylene glycol.

It's propylene glycol. But besides that, second hand nicotine was never an issue (and propylene glycol is recognized as safe, and even used in many asthma inhalers). The harm from second hand smoke comes from the smoke particles, something that's not present in e-cig vapor.

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