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Comment Re:Wait for it... (Score 1) 752

Okey let's take a closer look at the "sealed propaganda construct" you're claiming I'm living in. My information sources are:

first-hand experience

popular Ukrainian TV channels

large Ukrainian online publications

twitter, facebook posts made by on-site eyewitnesses - everybody these days has a phone with a camera and an access to internet. This is, after all, a country where you can get 100mbit unlimited for roughly 13 USD/month, in any city. Cellular data exchange is also universally accessible.

I personally just came back from a 2-week trip all over the central and western Ukraine, visited 10 regions, stayed in 10 cities.

On-line publications by large Western news companies

On-line publications and videos by Russian news agencies

Now, there are two ways one can go around adding 1 and 1: either do the math yourself and get "2", or one can ask around for a consensus opinion. What if the consensus is "3"? I'd say there's a conspiracy going on (and as you, as a psychiatrist, know very well that it is a prerogative of relatively retarded people to believe in large-scale conspiracies). If most of what I get from my news sources is aligned, except for info coming from Russian channels, do I go for the conspiracy theory (claiming that all my news sources are somehow not independent), or for a simpler explanation that these news sources, except for Russian ones, are sort of trying to tell the "truth" ?

My dean at the University once said that once you hear word "obvious" in a conversation, do yourself a favor and question underlying logic. Please provide a time frame for the "people who were deathly afraid" in the video in question.

Comment Re:Wait for it... (Score 1) 752

What is the "will of hundreds of thousands of people in Ukrainian East", exactly? We heard demands of wider autonomy, making Russian an official language. These things are going to be granted with the new constitution and reforms, and it has been promised by a new-elect President Poroshenko on numerous occasions. It is also, as it happens, something plenty of people are waiting for here, in Odessa. Waiting peacefully, no guns, no killings, no kidnappings, bank robberies, rape, organ trade, etc.

Let's continue with a proof by picture.
Typical Maidan protesters:
Typical "eastern Ukraine protesters":

Are you going to argue that the latter do not, in fact, represent a covert intrusion of armed special forces, criminals, ex-military from a nice peaceful country to the East? Which is not known for annexing another part of Ukraine just recently, waging war in Georgia in 2008, destroying most parts of it's own Chechnya region in two wars 10 years ago?

Truly failing is one thing, being perceived as fallen by a biased is quite another, isn't it?

Comment Re:Wait for it... (Score 1) 752

As somebody claiming knowledge (perhaps professional?) in the field of psychiatry, can you please comment on the current state of the general Russian population? In the past year or so, as far as pretty much everybody in the world knows besides Russians, Russians suffered a rather unique and intense brain-washing attack coming from their own media. Is there going to be a permanent damage? How much time it may take for the population to calm down, get rid of spontaneous aggression towards e.g. Ukrainians, Europeans, Americans?

It is a very interesting question to me personally since my relatives from russian far east had suffered greatly. Apparently, while being 11,000 km away from Ukraine, they behave as if they understand and know more on current events in my country than me - somebody who's living here. Their judgment is very harsh, aggressive and contradicts basic facts. This long-distance know-it-all attitude is very common and perhaps you could identify it's clinical picture, and perhaps indulge in a self-diagnose?

Also, please advise us on a long-distance therapeutic methods you seem to employ when it comes to psychiatric evaluations such as the one you were so keen to perform on yours truly.

Comment Re:Wait for it... (Score 1) 752

A problem with the word "separatist" implies that these people are local Ukrainians, which a lot of them aren't. There are thousands of criminals, ex-military, current military personnel, mercenaries from all over Russia. One of their major leaders - Girkin - is ex-Russian military. So I can't consider or call them "separatists".

In addition to that.. if something looks like a terrorists (fully armed, in military clothing, etc), acts like a terrorists (killing civilians, attacking and killing army men and police, kidnapping, torture, shelling civilian buildings, bank robbery), then it must be terrorists.

Comment Re:Wait for it... (Score 1) 752

Sorry, I completely fail to understand your point on Gubarev.

On the information thing - just go and read the law. I doubt you will find any country in the world which allows hate propaganda aired.

On the "irony" thing - per Ukrainian constitution, the law above all, the people is the sole and main source of power. It is unthinkable to let 45 million of people to be ruled by somebody who's openly hated by vast majority of the population. Are you going to defend this based on law?

>I'm a reserve officer with a military specialty in anti-air defense
Yeah, as of today, I spoke to 2 military defense dudes - you on slashdot, another on youtube. At the same time, I had an interesting conversation with a world-class economist, a bunch of historians, several very important people from natural gas industry. Internet is a truly amazing place to be.

Comment Re:Wait for it... (Score 1) 752

This new law is closely tied to new constitution, which is coming pretty soon. And as it happens, we have far worse issues at hand - a war with Russia, for instance. The idea is that the old, still active language law, will suffice, for now. It was good for 2 years, it was so desperately cried for that the President had to veto it's cancellation. Can you guys live with that until the situation with terrorists is resolved? Priorities..

Pro-Russian channels were violating the law (mind you, the one which was in place way before Maidan). They are now largely gone, which is a great thing. The rest of the world is free to broadcast anything they like. Freedom of speech is not a freedom to lie, you know..

On your "authenticity" thing - have you actually visited Kyiv prisons? On Luhansk - what about this video of the alleged air strike?

On your "trivia" thing - I truly do not understand why and how so many pro-Russian people suddenly became so well versed in technicalities of war toys. You guys are also doing so well when it comes to war criminalistics, economics, international trade, gas prices, etc..

Comment Re:Wait for it... (Score 2) 752

Look, I can simply restate the same thing you just said, reverse the roles and change "happy" to "sad", and have roughly the same argumentation to support my point of view.

These people are confused, still shocked, they are in despair as their homes are partially ruined. But when it comes to liberation, they are all happy and not looking to go back under terrorist control.

Comment Re: Ah. (Score 1) 752

I am yet to see any proofs of "shelling of cities". I keep on asking you of any proof, and keep on failing to get any.

The Korrespondent article doesn't even mention "Right sector". Search for it - you will find these words in comment section only. It does mention another military organization created based on entirely different people, but it does not say that they "shoot all suspected rebels"

Comment Re:Wait for it... (Score 1) 752

A Parliament (the 2012 Parliament, the one we got during Yanukovich times) voted to end this "Law about the languages". but then-President vetoed, so this law is still in action. Needless to say, it was originally voted in ca 2012, by pro-Yanukovich people and was neither usable nor made any difference whatsoever. It was basically a charade to make (some) people believe Yanukovich cared for what he ran on - "Russian as a 2nd language", etc.

Media censorship? Really? Please provide more information on this. I, for one, see much less censorship these days, versus good old Yanukovich times.

Nazi scum in SNBO? Who exactly? What are their actions? What are their views?

OUN-UPA were freedom fighters during first half of 20th century, in western Ukraine. This organization has been largely dead since 1960-es. Does verbal support for this organization make President Poroshenko a nazi scum?

And on your last "SBU" bit.. so a "proof" consists of downloading an mp4 video from some 3rd-party website and checking dates in it. And this is somehow authentic?

Comment Re:Ah. (Score 1) 752

Okey so wikipedia people list 3.5km maximum height for this particular piece of equipment. Why do you keep on arguing that it may or may not go as high as 5km? And why am I to trust you rather than wikipedia?

I read your link to It does not support your "Ukrainian military simply shoots all suspects" claim at all. In one spot, it says that a particular sub-division of the army is very harsh towards terrorists on block-posts. It does not prove your claim of "shelling of cities". An "infamous bombing of Luhansk" was a one-time explosion in the center of terrorists operation, and it's still not clear was it UA air strike or a misguided AA missile fired from the park nearby. And that's it? All we have thus far is speculations? I'm not saying UA army is not to blame, but if I'm to blame anybody, I need to know things for a fact. Speculations are not enough.

Comment Re:Wait for it... (Score 1) 752

I can hardly call russian propaganda stuff "information". I watch plenty of their footage over e.g. youtube, and mind you, the stuff they're smoking must be fantastic. We even have a website for some of that, with disclosure -

So.. Yanukovich is gone, EU association is halfway done. Now, let's get back to the "nazi scum" you keep referring to. Who are they? Are they in government? What are the actions they performed which can be classified as fascistic? This is perhaps 3rd time I'm asking for this info from you?

There was plenty of rhetoric about united country, it still goes on. -- I assume you are Russian-speaking. For others, they are chanting "one, single, united Ukraine". The video is from May, so it's fairly recent.

A lot of people from Donbass region participated, and Poroshenko had 33% (Luhansk) and 36% (Donetsk) support -

There was universal support and praise coming from everywhere except for Russia

Do you have any links to support your claim of violations?

Comment Re:Ah. (Score 1) 752

What I think is that the rocket is unable to reach anything beyond 3.5km and hit a target. And yes, at some point it literally stops going up and starts going down. Believe it or not --

Both planes were flying well above your claimed limit of 5km. Is there a point in arguing this any further?

Please advise on "Ukrainian army is not playing nice". I would love to read some articles on this.

Comment Re:Wait for it... (Score 1) 752

The only foreign tv channels which are banned are russian propaganda ones. Censorship, an artifact of Yanukovich era, is now largely gone.

Perversion of "Maidan ideals"? This is typical rhetoric which pro-Russian bots started to employ some time back. Maidan was against Yanukovich, and he's gone now. Maidan was for the united country, and we are fighting for it. Maidan was never "against oligarchs" such as Kolomoyskiy. If you insist on that, please argument your claim.

Feudal society? Come on, dude.. we just elected a new President, in a landslide election, clear and cut, per strictest Democratic standards available. At this point, if anything, we are a developing Democracy.

Comment Re:Wait for it... (Score 1) 752

Odessa is 90% Russian-speaking, has 30% ethnic Russian population. Along with 7 other regions, it was claimed as a part "Novorossia" by Putin himself, just a few months back. -- look for "April 17, 2014". It didn't work out anywhere except for two halves of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, which are presently occupied by Russian-supported, Russian-paid terrorists. Roughly 10,000 of them, in a region with ~2m population. Nobody outside of Putin's propaganda space supports any of this.

Are you defining "Russian-leaning" as "the ones controlled by terrorists"? I'm asking because a few years back, it was defined by Putin as "territories where Russian ethnic people are living".

Just one statue of Pushkin was defaced, in a mainly Russian-speaking region; it was not demolished.

Comment Re:Ah. (Score 1) 752

So.. I am not to trust Wikipedia article which explicitly states max 3.5km height, but to take your word on this? Why should I?

Also, regardless of all of that, the facts are - a plane was shot down while flying over a terrorist-controlled zone. No UA military aircraft were in the air at the time. What is more likely - a special ops by UA military to make terrorists "look bad", or an inexperienced terrorist shooting down civil air carrier by mistake? What's worse, claiming "another AN-26 shot down" minutes before "the realization"?

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