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Comment Let me guess...a film student made the video? (Score 3, Insightful) 79

The video lost all perspective of what a Rube Goldberg machine is about. The edits, cuts, overly zoomed and segmented action completely invalidates the purpose of the exercise. Was it a seamless execution of 244 sequential steps...or was it 244 individual actions filmed and edited together...can't tell from the video can ya. There's at least one segment that had a clear failure (the ice age downhill slalom jammed).

All in all, it was (probably) a great engineering effort that was ruined by someone trying to exercise clever video skills.

Comment The day that children run the internet (Score 2) 89

I've made a point of saying this every year. If you want to go wild with fake news stories on April 1, that's fine...but don't expect anyone to take you seriously the other 364 days of the year. The fake stuff doesn't go away you I really have to tell people this? It's out there will FOREVER be attached to FAKE news stories, even on days when it's not April 1st.

Grow up...or don't...but don't complain when people want mature sources and go elsewhere.

Comment Ghost Hunting 101 (Score 1) 345

Ghost Hunting 101

Step 1: Turn off all the lights for some reason
Step 2: Walk around in the dark, expressing surprise and shock every time you stumble.
Step 3: Use flashlight, gasp and/or scream every time you see a shadow or reflection of light
Step 4: say "What was that?" or "Did you see/hear that?" every couple minutes, alternating between the two

Bonus points given for using scientific equipment incorrectly, interpreting results incorrectly, and not having any idea why such instruments would detect ghosts in the first place.

Prerequisites: Lack of understanding of principles of logical fallacies is required.

Comment Re:Futurama Vs Venture Bros. (Score 1) 173

I wouldn't say that's a one for one. I love Archer but do not like Venture Brothers at all. However, if you love Archer, check out the short lived Frisky was a fantastic show (by the same people) that no one watched. And then there's Sealab, but everyone watched that :p

Frisky Dingo was the Firefly of animated television. It never really had a chance, but was some of the most brilliant writing I've ever seen. Archer is carrying on well in that light though. Hell, apparently I'll watch anything with H. Jon Benjamin doing voice work. Lucy Daughter of the Devil is another awesome, but short lived show.

Comment do they know? (Score 2) 513

I'm wondering how AT&T is going to justify how they know you're tethering in the first place? They can base it solely on amount of data consumed...but that's in no way accurate. Are they going to admit that they're monitoring your data stream without your permission or notification? Ouch...that's gonna get ugly. Are they going to admit they've backdoor'd your phone to see what apps you're running...double ouch.

I don't see any way for AT&T to definitively identify people who are tethering without a fairly egregious privacy violation.

Comment Re:Disposal (Score 4, Informative) 321

Same as before. Yes. No.

The plastic is the same as it always was, the source material is all that's different. This is better marketing through sounds/feels good science, not through environmentalism. Hell, these bottles are going to use an order of magnitude more energy and other resources to produce than the old fashioned kind, so...yay?

Comment Just one problem... (Score 1, Insightful) 321

Trading plastic bottles made from petroleum for plastic bottles made from FOOD isn't much of a win. The end product is the EXACT SAME PLASTIC that we're filling up landfills with right now, just made from food sources. Well done missed the point entirely, but I'm confident you can still spin it into a positive to the organic/vegan/hippie crowd.

Comment Here's an idea... (Score 1) 232

How about Apple offer the OPTION to either have a timed period of no re-authorization, or require it every time? The idea that Apple was just flabbergasted than CHILDRENS games with trivially simply in app purchases were resulting in purchases not authorized by the parents is laughable. Apple knew exactly what was going on, refused to do anything about it until the gravy train intersected the negative publicity tractor trailer, and now is putting in a change that can only be called "plausible deniability". It's not going to change anything because they haven't fixed the issue...they've just done enough so they can claim they did the best they could, but whoopsie we still need to charge your credit card a few hundred bucks.

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