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Comment Not quite (Score 2) 158

The problem here is that Haiti is very poor, and think that having a drinking water facility without the proper filtration should be an excuse to blame someone else for bringing in germs, viruses or bacteria. The thing to remember is if your infrastructure is badly built from the beginning without having any contingency plans setup, you will get burned, and it will only be your own fault.

If i go on a trip and have only enough fuel to make it to a specific place, and then stop to pick up a hitchhiker, adding more weight to my car, leaving me to run out of fuel before the next gas station, should i blame the hitchhiker? No one forced you to pick him up. If you were smart enough to have a gerry can in the back with just a bit more fuel to get you to that gas station, which most people do before long treks, you avoid this situation.

Having one source of drinking water with no special reserves setup and no proper filtration in place to catch all the contaminants, leads you to have this situation.
Dont blame someone for helping when you should have helped yourself before they got there. Just refuse the help next time if you are concerned they will bring disease with them. No one forced you to take their help.

As for the UN, there should be more testing in place for who they send in, this could easily have been avoided as well from the other side of the coin. We had firefighters and cops from here go and help over there, but i can guarantee you no one tested them properly for any sort of communicable diseases.

Comment Re:"the cloud" is just mainframes again (Score 1) 136

Dude, I am so laughing right now, the guy said cloud "in your pocket", is that not the same as your own mobile zip drive that you can own for as little as 50$ from besdtbuy. I think if he could not grasp what he said, he might not catch what you said and you might be wasting your breath trying to explain to someone why there is no refill on the halogen inside the headlights on your car. :)

Comment what a load of BS (Score 2) 304

Are you seriously wanting us to think that the internet TV is not ready.
1) Get netflix ready component ps3, xbox, wdtvlive, wii
2) Get netflix account for 8$ a month (replacing costly pvrs and decoders from ur fav. consumer company)
3) Watch the limitless tv shows WITHOUT THE ADS OR COMMERCIALS.

How is this "not ready yet"?

Whoever this smaxpis, please us a favor and hang up your journalistic pen.

Comment how many are legit though (Score 1) 520

All fine and dandy to plug out the stats, but stats can be manipulated. If 80% of the xp out in china are all illegal copies, they already have no updates coming in, as they have been black listed and are running without windows updates turned on, and the genuine advantage disabled. This means that NOTHING will change, and all will continue as it has....they will still be using cloned copies and move into the 22nd century still using xp, ;)

Comment You reap what you sow (Score 1) 835

Unfortunately teh US has become a bigger is better mentality driven society. And when they want to make an example out of people, which now is all the time, they will do it big or go home. But who is to blame, the ones that promote this through their daily rituals that all want to supersize their fries, the ones that flock to the latest blockbuster movie, that has the biggest car chase or fight scene since the last blockbuster, or maybe the fact that we always want bigger guns, because the last was just not big enough.

This mentality is what is wrong, so you get a cop that wants to get ahead, how will he be seen or noticed for that "BIG" promotion, by doing something "BIG". Enter Vic Macky wanna bes...the ones that think the whole world rides on their shoulders until they are benched and given a small desk job in some corner and realize the world didnt change after all from all their "BIG" antics.

In Canada we have many flaws, but guns is not one o them, and when cops come to your house, they have almost no fear that you will be armed to the teeth with the latest semi auto available at Walmart or Online shops, and have to deal with laying down gunfire. Put yourself in that situation for a second, we also see in the news, cops getting killed just by going into someone's house to issue a warrant search. So who is right or wrong, I think we all are...they are just as fallible as we are, and the downward spiral continues.... :(

Comment says who... (Score 1) 133

Ok, but you cant prove this for sure, its like me saying that the diamonds could have been from a species that came to earth 100 million years ago when the earth was still in a stage of gas turning into solid, and introduced a special compound that started to form the diamonds inside the crust, and that was done purely to come back hundreds of millions of years later after all the humans had mined the diamonds and then take them without so much needing to mine themselves, and no one would be able to refute this as no one was there 100 million years ago to contest this claim.

I base this on what, probability that some intelligent species exist and could have thought of a pre-terra forming scheme like this.... I thought of it, so why could they have not? The probability of this not having happened is too great to just ignore it, but I know everyone will anyways because it cannot even be proven, much like the claim they make in this post.

Comment who?? (Score 0) 277

>Does anyone but me think this is a problem for commerce?'
John Dvorak!, does anyone care why this guy cries in his sleep? The facts are ....the world has changed, get over it man, move on, we can never go's like saying you wish you could still hunt mammoths in your bunny rabbit slippers with sticks....those days are gone. China has made damn sure of this, or USA has made damn sure to let us think that China has made sure of this. Take your pick.

Comment Sad but true (Score 1) 260

We need stronger laws against companies to make them more accountable. Prove to me you did all you could to avoid polluting, I might be lenient.
If I see that there is a flagrant denial for the law and pollution was done with no thought what so ever., you die! Not just you, but all the board members and employees delivering the sludge to location xx

I like it, I like it alot!

Comment not funny anymore (Score 1) 182

yes, yes, yes!...but when will we have this tech???

I remember hearing about this great new way of condensing 1 terabyte of info on a single piece of white paper, based on this new technology someone built....
and we have never seen it hit the light of day to help us with our storage problems..... why would this be any different...

actually only tell us once it hits the stores and we can buy it!

Comment I said this already.... (Score 1) 482

Funny, I mentioned the same thing, with the same end result and whether it is global warming, or my reasoning is that there were other types of gravitational pulls from within further in the galaxy that sort of gave us a 3rd axis, that would eventually change the other 2 pulls of the earth (spinning and orbiting). The galaxies has orbiting solar systems too, so technically these gravitational fields affect the planets (earth) as well, not just our sun....

In the end the result is the same, I explained in my previous post here on /. maybe 10 years ago, that what is happening is the poles shift, melting the ice and shifting the poles even more as the center of the equatorial line is becoming thicker with water (like an oval instead of a circle) thereby contributing even more to the change of axis forcing to have the new poles where the lines used to be more like a + sign, it is more like an X, enough to refreeze the new poles with ice as now you have more outreaching water and solidify the new earth axis in place.

Having said this, I would highly theorize that such events were the cause of the previous ice ages, as of course we can never really go back in time to see with our own eyes and investigate in person the causes, we can only theorize with core samples and deduce what we think happened. In the end, we never really know do we...

Comment They finally get it! (Score 1) 209

G-d was the ultimate programmer... therefor any system in the future should be built like the human brain is, if we are his most perfect work.
I am not saying we are all perfect, but only that his work on us vs. any other animal, is pretty advanced.
I am not saying that any other living creature is less important either, I would save an animal just as much a human....

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