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Comment Re:Ethernet (Score 2, Informative) 357

Um... [tap tap tap]... hello? Ever tried this thing called Google? Amazing what you can find...

Computer monitor with HDMI input

DVI/HD Audio to HDMI with audio converter

You can argue that they aren't TVs but there are devices that are advertised as TVs without tuners designed for use with Cable/Satellite. Here is one (notice the category it's under)

Comment Re:if they do that (Score 1) 476

Microsoft has been rewriting many apps in .NET Office 2007, (most of) VS2008, (all of) VS2010, Windows Media Center, and probably many others. I'd guess the small apps like the games and calc. Of course the kernel will never be and I'll bet even some of the above apps link to native code but I wonder if MS is positioning itself to be able to move to other architectures more easily.

Comment You're doing it wrong (Score 1) 398

Ya sure, maybe there is more to lose now with the internet, but we're not really going to forget more than before. There is still print news (for now) and TV news, both of which I am sure are properly archived. Yes there is a new medium and it would be valuable to archive this, but we're not at risk of forgetting history.

Comment Re:Beauty of Capitalism (Score 1) 110

Didn't you see The Astronaut Farmer? The government won't just let you build your own rocket...

Seriously though, NASA has placed restrictions in the past and it just recently became more open.

Look at the human genome project, private sector is doing better.

Plus the private sector will always invest if there is potential profit, THAT is the beauty of capitalism. :-)

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