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Comment Re:I play this game (Score 1) 177

No full respecs -- As a new player with no idea on how different skills work I find the 1300+ point skill tree extremely daunting...

There's a skill tree build tester on the GG site. I lets you test combinations to make sure you get the various stats you need. Doesn't let you demo play, but it does help.
My advice? Don't spread your skill points too thin. Concentrate on a few key elements that reflect your character's strengths, and how you like to play.

Comment Re:Booze Bus (Score 1) 783

There's a show on telly that follows the Aussie cops performing alcohol/other-drug screening. I'm not sure what state it's filmed in, but they do tongue-swipe saliva tests. There seems to be a few truck drivers on speed/meth. I always thought that was a cliché. I don't know if that's occupational, or social class thing.

Naturally, the usual reality TV BS disclaimer applies to my comments...

NZ is trialling random tongue-swipe testing in some areas.

Comment Re:How about NEW cars? (Score 3, Insightful) 487

His general point still stands.

What would have to happened to a gasoline powered car if a "rusty three-pronged trailer hitch that was sticking up with the ball up in the air" had punctured the gas tank? Or possibly worse, a diesel tank. Nothing like going around a bend on a motorcycle and hitting a patch of diesel to make your day interesting.

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