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DragonFly 2.4 Released 73

electrostaticcarrot writes "DragonFly — that fourth major BSD — has had its 2.4 release. The 'most invasive change' is the addition and usage of a DevFS for /dev; building on this, drives are now also recognized by serial number (along with /etc/devtab for aliases) as listed in /dev/serno. This is also the first release with a x86-64 ISO, stable but with limited pkgsrc support. Other larger changes include a ported and feature-extended (with full hotplug and port multiplier support) AHCI driver (and SILI driver based on it) originally taken from OpenBSD, major NFS changes, and HAMMER updates. A pkgsrc GIT mirror has also been set up and put in use to make future pkgsrc updates quicker and smoother. Here are two of the mirrors."

Watching the IPRED Watchers In Sweden 88

digithed writes "In response to Sweden's recent introduction of new laws (discussed here recently) implementing the European IPRED directive, a new Swedish Web site has been launched allowing users to check if their IP address is currently under investigation. The site also allows users to subscribe for email updates alerting them if their IP address comes under investigation in the future, or to report IP addresses known to be under investigation. This interesting use of people power 'watching the watchers' is possible because the new Swedish laws implementing the IPRED directive require a public request to the courts in order to get ISPs to forcibly disclose potentially sensitive private information. Since all court records are public in Sweden, it will be easy to compile a list of addresses currently being investigated."

Comment Re:IDM UltraEdit (Score 1) 1131

And there is syntax highlight for ABB Rapid robot programming language. I sometimes need to program these at work so it's the reason I have it. It's not that expensive either.

I have been contemplating writing Rapid syntax highlight for vim but never gotten around to it. So I wouldn't mind if someone else did :)

Comment Re:Commodore BASIC (Score 1) 213

Well, the C64 only had C= Basic V2 which would fit in a 8kb ROM. That was one of the reasons they put it in the C64. Other C= machines (even earlier ones) had better basic... but of course it was bigger than 8kb.
The Commodore 128 had V7 (the last released, the prototype C65 aka C64DX had V10).
V7 was actually very nice, albeit a bit slow for i 1MHz machine.

I think the deal with MS was that they could improve the interpreter without paying royalties after V1, which would mean that Commodore is one of the few companies that put one over MS.

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