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Comment Re:Not gonna happen (Score 1) 185

They can vaccinate you with some poorly tested crap as well, then cash-in on the medication needed to cure the "side effects". Alzheimer's, cancers ... and restless leg syndrome.

It is a win-win situation for the pharma-industrial-complex. Also even if you don't FSCK around like rabbits, you will be either required or scared into thinking that you need the vaccination. Maybe some "accidental" blood contaminations breaking news will do that for you...

Comment No... my fingerprints are compromised (Score 1) 356

Certain countries take my fingerprint when I enter them. My country takes fingerprints when registering for certain papers (even if you are not a criminal).

So .. my fingerprint is out there, it is not for authentication. If you use it to log-into your laptop, phone, anything: you are fooling yourself into thinking it is anyhow safe.

Comment Re:Legal and NSA (Score 1) 328

Interesting you bring this up. In my country (where I am from and where I live) people hate their government with a passion.

Still, they keep electing the same group of psychopaths who are not scientists, yet they make decisions on scientific issues, they are not doctors, yet they decide over health regulations. They are not good for anything and they are paid by corporations.

People see it more and more. The donations from companies and the lobbying is obvious, yet.. still the same set of rules and the same set of people get there... they get paid by the industrial complexes that serve no human interest. They only server company profit interests.

Time to put together a decent party in every country and elect them in... make rules that if they accept a cent from anyone it is a bribe and they can be hung by the neck until dead.... not less..

Is this like a pipe dream, or what you suggest actually something considerable at all to go through with?

Comment Rock Star (Score 1) 356

First of all, every time I hear the term or see it in job advertisement I tend to throw up a little in my mouth ...

Most of the time they just look for people on whom they can dump a bunch of shit on at random times and they will come up with some solution. Most places do not look for a good programmer who can make a program (design, develop, test, document) from scratch, but someone who will be responsible for a group of lesser trained/skilled/experienced people or to maintain 10 different codebases, because they can, they are good. In that situation they will hate you, quit and spit on your grave. They look for a multitasking work-whore, not a thinking entity.

I can really understand the behaviour you are explaining though I don't think I am a "rock star" programmer ...
I am just a dude who spend a lot of time in front of the screen and spent 20 years between coding and system administration ...
However even with this, I know that I am annoyed by system admins who confuse bits and bytes, and who you have to send to a training so they can install Apache MQ for you in a way that it doesn't shit itself on day one.... I am also annoyed by programmers, who are capable of spending the day looking at "cute cat videos" and then get upset if someone asks them why they didn't submit a line of code for 4 days into the repo... or when I figure out, that all the dev servers are down, but none out of the 10 developers actually noticed/reported it... because .. well... at 11 pm they didn't even try to work yet....

I am sure "rock stars" who are far superior than me can get pretty nasty about these if me (lesser mind) is so much annoyed by them....

That said. Good programmers tend to quit shitty places. A players play with A players and many times are complete asses to others. The truly good coders I knew were always normal to normal people. It is not skill and knowledge only. It is attitude. Many times it is not skill or experience who divides A and B, it is dedication, interest, willingness to learn, willingness to spend 100 hours on a problem, willingness to write 10 POCs before deciding with a technology/library/language.

Rating yourself a 7 or anything at all I think is a bad idea. It is a much better idea to find out in what task you can be an A then pursue that, or chose where you are a B and then make yourself an A.

That's how I see it....

That said, at most places where I worked I did not find the technical aspects of the job even slightly challenging. What kills me most of the time is really the laziness of most and the total lack of logical thinking (as in common sense).. Want an example? HP backup engineer, first expends the Veritas file system, then makes the backup (from a system, that had no backup, only the live copy), or first killing my VPN then asking me to help (reading a 100 line shell script code on the phone as I had no access).... this is the kind of lack of logic you deal with every day....

To put it more simply: the more experience/knowledge you have, the less you tend to tolerate STUPID. I guess some of these "rock star" coders got to the point where they have zero tolerance towards stupid, they are tired of explaining the same shit over and over, they are tired of sending the same mail over and over (after first documenting, emailing, then explaining it the first place).... they are sick of rules that are made to govern the lazy, they are tired of working 8 hours, knowing that they do more in 4 then the idiot next to them in a week .... etc etc...

I don't think you have to be a "rock star" coder to see these things. If you ever worked with people who just didn't make any sense at all, and they were slow, lazy and .. .well maybe not that bright, then you can imagine how the "rock star" feel about the rest of the population...

Just my thoughts...

Comment Harder to track? (Score 1, Interesting) 78

So, you use TOR (I know, NSA yada-yada, just use the latest source and compile yourself ) over a VPN you bought with bitcoins anonymously, with a freshly opened google/yahoo/riseup/whatever account for the store/market/service...

You use your gaming machine to run for a few days to generate the 0.3 BTC/LTC/whatever coin. You run your miner over tor/vpn/i2p through a service that doesn't need a signup.

You create a new wallet and you make one transaction.. over VPN (or VPNs and TOR and/or i2p)

They will see the transaction, but the user will be untraceable..... you can create a new wallet for every buy so a new send address is guaranteed, just move the blockchain (8 gigs) over or mount them over a share.....

No link to financial info, no link to real identity, no link to IP address of physical location. No previous transaction to look at...

Of course, if you are ordering drugs to your home address, then why even bother doing the above... if you just want to buy something privately (e.g. digital goods or services) then you are pretty safe (and paranoid following the above)...

It is like the "NSA can copy your phone contents" .. well, maybe you are using the wrong phone.... email ? probably you shouldn't use gmail/yahoo with your creditcard info and home address there... oh, and force your retarded friends and relatives to install GPG ... how about that for a start :O

Comment Really, no liquid cooling? (Score 1) 133

I ran a bitcoin mining rig with 4 cards, and cpu cooler (also doing some heavy calculations)... the whole box was about to blow up at any time...

Then added a mid-range (alphacool kit with 4 fan rad) and EK blocks for the video cards. Temperatures dropped from 85-90 (with shop fans and crazy out of case mounts) to 55-60 gpu .. cpu 75 to 45-50.. all on one circuit..

My other water cooled box has 1 GPU 1 CPU, even cheaper system (XSPC with EK vga block) and GPU is 52c cpu 45c. No airconditioning and I live at the tropics...

When I hear "high end" and "CPU cooling" somehow I am surprised to see freaking FANS .... maybe I am missing something.. and yes, my rads have fans on them, but I can mount them on a 2m tube outside my work area... ....

I consider ANY liquid cooling higher end than any fan with a meter high grills attached to it...

Comment An actual exam result call (Score 1) 308

Happened to me:

Ring, ring, ...
Hello, I am calling about Friday's exam, I would like to know the result, my name is....
You failed the exam..
(shrug, wtf, ???).. Excuse me, but I haven't had the chance to tell you my name.
Everyone failed.
Oh.. OK.. thanks.... ahm... good day!(??)

It was a physics exam in an IT college... just for the record... Passed on the 2nd try, but I heard many had to take a stab at it multiple times:)

Comment Re:Jobs Hates Flash (Score 1) 52

Not running flash? ... I am going slowly the way, that my browsers don't have flash installed in them. I have one with flash on my laptop. The rest is better without. If in 2013 a site doesn't offer me a html/js version of its content, then I don't want the content it offers.

I picked this attitude up when started to use IOS, then slowly spread onto my Linux and OSX boxes and oh.. it feels good to be flash fess...

Comment Re:Gay for Google (Score 1) 52

It is like saying, that a nascar stock car is better than a luxury BMW or a Mercedes. For me, personally, that Android OS is not usable. For this, I still use an iPhone 4, and will not even upgrade to the iphone 5, because I find the screen unnecessarily big for what I want.

Some people want a sleek working fast OS and don't care how many ponies the phone has under the hood. I personally don't. So they can put an i7 with 16G memory and a TB in my pocket, as far as it is running android: I am absolutely not interested.

So it destroys it: in your head.

Comment If they would stop trading it for FIAT (Score 1) 425

If all the dumb-asses would actually stop trading it for FIAT currency and simply used it to sell/but services and goods, then this mess wouldn't be how it is now.
If the US declares it money and regulates it, then well, it is going to be like online gaming. Everyone does it mostly everywhere legally, except the US.

The question is: how far will they go to regulate it? They cannot control it, you can "hide" the protocol into anything and everything, you can carry the wallet on any memory device, hell, even the whole blockchain, even if it tripples or quadruples ...

So what is the plan, they kick the door on you and search your machine for a bitcoin wallet? Or they close all US exchanges? What about the local swaps and businesses already accepting bitcoin?

I am actually really interested in it as I am actively developing a payment gateway (not in the US) and some other interesting projects...

Your thoughts ?

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