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Comment Re:Doesn't link it to YOU (Score 1) 175

not a "snap" for me. That's a play on an old yellow pages commercial.
You are quite right that the full fingerprint is not generally found in web logs, but user agent string plus IP address is -- and that is not a bad fingerprint, in itself. Now if you happen to be
  • a major online retailer that also offers cloud computing services.
  • a major search engine that also offers online apps
  • a major social networking site with tendrils all over the 'net
  • a major web hosting/colo company
  • a government that likes to keep tabs on dissidents

you could easily have access to the sorts of logs in question.
And those sorts of logs are attractive targets for data mining by third parties of various sorts.

The general public still has very little awareness that web surfing is, at least potentially, a lot less anonymous than one might think or hope.

Is this a problem? That depends on one's individual situation.

Comment Re:Same old snake oil (Score 1) 379

The snake oil then was a carburator, not fuel injector.

Carburation was one bit of snake oil. There was also:

  • fuel additives/catalysts
  • super spark plugs
  • gadgets to increase voltage to those plugs to make a better spark and as a result faster, more efficient combustion
  • gadgets to change the airflow pattern in the combustion chamber

and others.
I witnessed one demo in which the mods worked so well that as the demo guy yanked spark plug wires off the plugs, the engine ran better and better. It purred like a kitten when he was down to two working cylinders on a V8. And people were still buying it.

Comment Re:C64 without BASIC? (Score 2, Informative) 214

LOAD "PROGRAM",8,1 which directs the external drive to load that code directly into memory

the ,8 specified device 8 (generally the primary floppy drive) rather than the default cassette tape drive.
(The under 30 drive probably has no idea what either device looks like)
the ,8,1 specifies not only device 8, but that code should load not to the default memory loading location (where basic expects it to be) but rather where the code "wants" to live -- the programmer saves with similar options so the code will load into memory ranges used by the programmer when s/he wrote the code.

Comment Re:C64 without BASIC? (Score 3, Interesting) 214

It booted into the basic interpreter by default, leaving you with 38K for basic. You could configure the memory differently. Writing in assembly not only offered a huge improvement in speed, but freed up the memory range from B000 to Bfff. (And the C000 range was often used by calls to machine language subroutines from basic.)
So, no, it was not just a basic interpreter.
There's at least one running as a web server now.
I won't post the link to it. It takes very little to induce the slashdot effect on that hardware.

Comment Re:Traffic Jams on the way to work (Score 5, Funny) 447

University town. Traffic jams caused by students driving SUVs a few blocks to class.
Exacerbated by students crossing against the light.
And by students standing at the edge of the crosswalk and NOT crossing when cars stop for them.
And by students crossing 30 feet from a crosswalk. Without looking first.
I once suggested that law enforcement cadets be stationed at busy areas and pass out traffic safety coloring books for those who obviously missed on them in grade school.

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