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Comment Re:lol (Score 1) 667

That page is merely reporting a press release from the Ukrainian government in Kiev. Are you suggesting we should treat everything they say as factually true?

probably not everything, but so far they have shown themselves as a fairly (mostly ? completely ?) honest source of information.
on the other hand, russia has demonstrated again and again to be the opposite.

Whatever is happening in Ukraine it is not a full-blown invasion by Russia in the "classical" style that Iraq or Afghanistan were. That would be far more obvious.

and continuing on trusting russia, how about a very relevant example... the invasion of crimea just a few months ago ?
at first putin publicly (repeatedly) claimed no russian troops involved. then "well, they might have helped a bit". after the invasion, "but of course they were our men !"
and europe didn't even blink. so now we got a plane down, and we are just getting "more concerned". yes, that will surely help just as it did before.

what russia does in eastern ukraine is either war or terrorism - although it is probably both.

Comment Re:lol (Score 4, Informative) 667

Whoever shot down the plane, they were "soldiers" or fighters of some variety and almost certainly can be described as Ukrainian, given that everyone seems to agree that the fighters are actually eastern Ukrainians and at most Russia is supplying weapons to them.

is that "everybody" 'russia today' ?
try googletranslating - ukrainian army detains 23 terrorists. somehow all 23 turn out to be citizens of the russian federation.
there's also an interview with a former warrior from moscow how tells how 80% of them were from russia, with locals not exceeding 20%.

let's bisect the other thing you said - "at most Russia is supplying weapons to them".
"at most". as if they were given bows and arrows. they get armoured vehicles. they get... tanks. they get bloody sam systems that can reach targets up to 25km.

Comment Re:Propaganda (Score 4, Informative) 667

a strategy of kremlin propagandists.
distribute lies about events ("oh, ukrainians shot down mh 17 ! they even shot down their own planes a few days before that. we claimed credit for that just for fun !"), then go "ooooh, but you know, i don't trust either side, they all are lying"

so far russia has been caught lying many times. all evidence points at russian special forces (and regular army, too) being responsible both for invasion in eastern ukraine, and for downing mh17 specifically.

please, stop whitewashing this terrible government, it can lead to even more tragic losses.

Comment Re:I don't see the problem. (Score 5, Informative) 667

of course, russian govt is the most knowledgeable - they shot down the damn plane.
on the other hand, the rest of the world knows quite a lot - photos and videos on the ground, showing buk system moving around, intercepted terrorist conversations that include receiving of the buk, moving it around, then scrambling to react when they find out just what they just shot down.
that also includes public bragging about downed ukrainian plane, only to hastily remove all those comments once they figured out that it's a civilian plane.
after that they publicly try other idiotic statements like claiming that all passengers were dead in amsterdam already (yeah, happens in that city every now and then, right ?), or trying to find "weapons" in the remains of the plane.
then more intercepted conversations where they are given the orders from the "higher ups, from moscow, you know what i mean" not to let anybody who's not "theirs" near the crash site and above all - find all "black" boxes and ship them to moscow.

there is no "anti red agenda". there's a fascistic, aggressive country that invaded and annexed part of a european country. and there are lots of paid commenters who try to whitewash the crazy actions of russian state. (although some might be genuinely crazy and/or uninformed and do it for free)

Comment why the word needs openstreetmap (Score 5, Insightful) 132

again and again people fail to understand that they are the ones giving this power to a single company.
who controls the map ?
or, why the world needs openstreetmap :)

of course, no dataset is immune from vandalism/poisoning... but an open one is both available for auditing/monitoring, and also improvable by many more, not just business owners.

Submission + - IRC Client irssi Moves to GitHub

richlv writes: The popular terminal IRC client Irssi was stagnating. To change this, development team is moving to GitHub. This should make contributing easier and hopefully improvements will happen at a faster rate. Irssi website is currently down, but Google cache shows last release candidate out in 2013-09-15, with last stable release following on 2014-05-29, 8 months later. Move to GitHub includes scripts that extend Irssi functionality. Note that the team has decided not to migrate bugreports — if you are experiencing any problems, that should be reported in the GitHub issue tracker.

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