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Comment Re:An insult of a fine (Score 2, Informative) 215

"Let's also assume that everyone who was overcharged was overcharged the bogus fee of $1.99 per month. The period in which the bogus fees were charged was about 3 years."

Wrong assumption. I am one of the people who got charged the fee, but it only happened once or twice in a three year period. You only get the fee the months you accidentally pressed the button. The issue is that pressing the button loads a webpage, which uses up ~0.5 kb. Then, Verizon rounded that up to 1 MB, and charged a couple of bucks.

Comment Kryder's Law (Score 1) 681

Kryder's Law is an analog to Moore's Law, and states that magnetic disk density doubles every year or so. As long as this law is roughly true, raw disk space per dollar will be cheaper in magnetic disks than flash. See for more information. With the explosion in information out there, I believe disk space per dollar is a critical criteria for many industries and applications.

That said, consumer computing will be dominated by flash memory (it's already half way there). Consumer demand for disk space does not increase exponentially like capacity, so even flash capacity will be overkill at some point. Instead, consumers will value random access speed and dependability (especially in portable computing).

Comment Re:No, google admits to collecting wifi packet dat (Score 1) 157

It is true the fundamental problem lies in a lack of security. But Google shouldn't be recording it, especially because their cars so thoroughly scan the country.

And your example of photographing someone in their house is not a good one, because that most likely breaks well-established privacy laws. Yes, even if the person left their window open, they likely have an expectation of privacy because they are in their home.

Comment Re:Not a netbook? What? (Score 1) 348

This is basically a 12 inch laptop (I don't know why everyone is rounding 11.6 to 11). Netbooks started as 7 inch laptops, then creeped up to 9-10. Now we want to classify 11-12 inch laptops as netbooks?

At some point we should call it what it's always been called: a compact laptop

Comment Re:7.0? Really? (Score 1) 292

I'm confused, are you saying the lower (version #)/(number of years out) a browser is, the better? Are you saying Chrome isn't a useful browser?

I don't primarily use Chrome, but I respect it as a browser and consider it fully functional/useful.

Comment Re:Cool (Score 2, Insightful) 118

It's tough comparing quake/doom with duke. Quake was designed to scare you, duke was designed to make you laugh (and sometimes scare you). It's like the difference between a serious horror movie and a campy evil-deadish one.

All three games were ground-breaking in their own way.

Comment Re:Free for all, or app market? (Score 1) 244

The problem is that outside-the-wall apps can cause security and privacy concerns. If a fart app steals an employee's emails, his company will blame RIM first and him second. Especially when Apple, a viable competitor in many regards, can guarantee that something like that will not happen on their phones.

As much as limiting a phone's recreational functionality sucks for the user, companies see it as a service.

Comment Time Warner does it too (Score 1) 280

I got a notice from Time Warner about three years ago regarding a movie I was supposedly sharing. They suspended my internet until I clicked a button promising I wouldn't pirate anyone. They also warned me I only had one warning left (i.e. on my third strike they would discontinue my service).

Comment Re:Unprofessional (Score 1) 276

I bought a game from them last week, and was concerned that it would no longer be supported. This is especially scary when they don't sell you physical media.

Yeah... that was my last purchase from them.

Comment Re:Not surprising at all (Score 1) 102

That's not how prediction competitions work, obviously.

Everyone is given a "training" dataset, which contains the results. The contestants mine this dataset to determine their algorithm, which is then applied to a "test" dataset that has hidden results (i.e. who won the game). The contestants are judged by how well they do on the test set.

Comment Re:Joystiq reckons it's a publicity stunt? (Score 4, Interesting) 326

This reddit thread contains more links that indicate GOG is not actually dead:

Personally I think they are going to change their service in some way, perhaps add a devoted client (like Steam) and perhaps introduce DRM. If so, I will be angry at the lack of transparency; the whole thing smells like a publicity stunt. If this is the case, the game I bought from them last week will be the last.

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